Need your help. :(


My teacher gave me this assignment. It's a multi genre paper and I have to do it on my favorite people. Of course I write down SHINee. Then she's all like, now narrow it down to one person you like the most. That's where I need help. I don't know what member to use.
So, I need your opinions.


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Why not Jinki. I mean hes the leader he does a lot of thing for his bandmates and he's very caring too. He may not be you favorite one in SHINee but he sure should not be underestated. But it is your pick the person. It's all up to you, because if your teacher doesn't like it.... just don't blame it on us XD
watwotwut #2
Taemin or Minho!! :)
Do my husband Taemin or the frog prince Minho!!!!
Sariita #4
Taemin ^^!
cake1331 #6
Key!!! Key!!! Key!!!