Why do we study?!

Why do we study?! My mom's answer: Because you have to takecare of yourself, then you don't need man a in your life.(she hates men) My dad's answer: You can leave school if you want. You're not forced to go.(he wants me to give him grandchild) My K-POP friends answer: BECAUSE WE NEED A JOB !! THEN WE CAN MAKE MONEY!! AND THEN WE CAN GO TO KOREA!!!! My schoolmate's answer: I don't know! I mean we don't even study here! look at our marks.... thet are so bad! why can't we just leave school and marry with someone!? My answer: I'm still thinking... °_°


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I actually facing the same situation only that my parents told me that I have to get married no matter if I did make a living of my own.
NO!!... to get a knowledge .. to show that you can offer something for the world.. that you are one of the ones.. who are trying to understand the life.. we are living in.. and that you


do everything.. if you just get a push ;)

that's what I got to know.. cuz.. the things you are learning from yourself.. are the things.. that can bring you so much faster to a level.. where people.. ONLY HAVE JUST RESPECT FOR SUCH A PERSON..

SO STUDY HARD AND MAKE YOUR EONNI GLAD.. that I got such a dongsaeng
To get good grades and go to a university, then make money by finding a job, then buy all Exo merchandise T^T