Superbowl with Family

Ok.... I have lots of family with 5 brothers and 1 sister <_<


Imagine a "Man Cave" aka our new basement, decorated with lots of football stuff and 6 boys/men yelling at the TV.

My mom, my sister, and I usually do something together at this time.  But I was gonna have fun tonight playing jokes on the boys down stairs.  So my mom and sister leave, the boys are down stairs, and I have a second remote to the basement TV up in our living room.  (I was also watching the game up in the living room so I would know when to turn the TV off at the good parts *tee hee)


It was basically me turning off the TV on them when either team was going to score ^_^ best night of "YES GO GO GO.... DAMN IT!!!!!!"


I heard many colorful phrases from my dad and he never swore in front of us ever.  I really wish I had a recording of this ^_^ would put it on Youtube for all time :p lol.  But yea I let them watch the last 2 minutes uninterrupted just because I am not a cruel person. 


But after the game I walked downstairs with my extra remote in hand just to see who would notice it first.  It took me pressing the power button infront of them for them to realize who messed with their football.  My dads face was red with anger, but he doesn't act violent around any of us.  But I also knew better than to taunt him with it.  My brothers on the other hand were basically ready to strangle me.


My mom and sister got hom about 10 minutes after the game was over.  I told them all about what I did and my mom was laughing hystarically along with my sister.  My dad walked up and was still somewhat upset by it (lucky for him I recorded that game, just so he could watch it with out the 'inturruptions') I walked up to him and gave him a hug (and put some of my cute mojo on) it took him about 10 seconds to crack ^_^ and hug me back.


You know you have a good dad when you can play with his football, and he will still hug you afterwards.


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