The adventures of Super Annie~

nah.... just kidding xDDD not Super Annie but.... Dorky Annie. There xDDD




I really have something to tell you guys o u o

so, it turns out that I was out of town for the weekend, and I came back with my dad today since I have school tomorrow (darn it)


but that doesn't matter


what actually matter is that, while a family friend was driving us back home, we stopped at a red light and I turned to look out the window and.... I saw a lovely couple ^^

they were giggling at something one of them said and I was like OHMYGODTHAT'STHEKYUTESTTHINGEVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fangirl*

obviously in the inside. In the outside I was just smiling at my friend said something  like 'yah, nasty~' and my dad was like 'OMO look at those guys'

that was SO amazing! *gets bricked for being such weirdo*


a crazy and INSANE fujoshi xDD


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Lol, I was at the movie theater and I saw a couple
(sooo sweet ~<3)
My dad was all creeped out but I was trying to figure out how to discreetly take a pic w my phone! XD
LOL, I'm such a creeper...
But they were like cuddling!
I know how that feels, I saw an adooooorable couple in the metro the other day, and I was like "OMO THEY'RE SOOOO CUTE" xD