~* some Blabberings from Author~*

Hey there guys!

fishy_kai1997 is here! :D

how are you? :D hope you're fine as well~ :D your author here is sick with flu and hacing headache for exams thats is going on for 2 weeks! this is the 2nd week~ :D 

oh yeah, you guys still remember about the sequel you guys want me to do for "what is that? Things? Paranormal?"

-winks- am doing it now with another new fanfic! :D

ah~ actually i wanted to keep this as secret but~ my mouth can't stop talking about it~ XD

But about the release date? I'm not sure about it~ ^^ just wait for it yea? 

About the current stories i'm doing now~ don't worry. i might not update in this week, cause of exam but i'll tries my best~ i need cookies! XD

oh well, wish me good luck for the exam! :D love you guys~

yours truly,
already sleepy and tired Fishy_kai1997



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