Rant. .

Lately, I feel like I'm growing up a bit, in the sense that I'm able to let go and cope with things easily.

I'm starting to understand situations better and accept them for what they are.

I'm also learning to be the bigger person. Despite not being in the wrong, I did apologize to my friend so we could start tslking again.

And I decided it's best I get the mindset straight that my ex and I will only be friends from now on.

More because he's been posting things about missing someone and wanting to get back together but that person making it complicated and he wants to give up and how she's put up with a lot of his .

I dunno who he's talking about. So I'm just ignoring it.

It's none of my business. I told him I'm going to just continue being there for him as a friend.

Because it's less painful if things go wrong. And being iust friends is just less dramatic.

It a bit because I do love him very much, but I don't want to have another year crying over him. We're going on year 5. I'm turning 19 and he's turning 18.

It's time I let go and grow up a little.

They were good and bad memories I learned from, but now I like the thought of just being friends.

But I'm still gonna play every depressing love song out there. XD


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