Happy Birthday Park Jungmin!

Dear Park Jungmin, I wish you a very, very happy birthday and lots of luck in life!

You're birthday is only going to last another 11minutes so I better hurry this post up…


To be honest, I have NO IDEA who you are. But I do know SS501. I first found out about you guys when I was searching for more cute Taemin videos on YouTube. They happened to have a video of him waking up in Hello Baby. I was in a good mood and I happened to notice a video of you guys waking up in this show called 'thank you for waking me up'. I got interested (you guys are so handsome) and watched all the episodes!

After that I researched you guys and listened to some of your music and to be honest, I don't like it. Appart from 'Love Ya' all you're songs are so sappy and gooey… it kind of makes you shrivel up? (All the fans out there… forgive me if I 'm wrong. OK?)


But!! Today (3.02.) is you birthday, so I have decided to say something positive about you. I know have only 6minutes left… yikes!

Here goes nothing… in comparison to most KPop Idols you don't look "pretty" and"cute", you look handsome and manly. You're looks are definitely above average so I would blush if I saw a guy like you. Luckily for you, you look comfortable. Basically, you're hot but you look approachable. (2minutes left!!)

!! 1 minute left !!


You're voice is incredibly catchy and one can really feel chills running up and down your spine! And I take back what I said about your songs being mushy. You guys are absolutely mind-blowing.


Work hard! Keep going! You're really hot!!

It is now 0:00, does it still count as on time?



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PetShawal #1
Is my clock wrong somehow? So weird… I could swear my computer clock said 0:00!!