How I Feel About the World Right Now

At this moment in time I feel pretty down and and just bleeeeeeh. I hate this feeling, you all must be familiar- where everything and anything just gets you down.


My real problem right now are my siblings tbh. I really hate how they always take the piss out of me. I have two younger and one older. They always say it's fun to piss me off, so they do it a lot- very often. I usually just brush it off because I know they don't mean it harmfully. Yet when you get it (whether in high or low concentration) every day, it slowly turns into a blockage kind of thing, something in the back of your mind you can't shake off. It always gets to a point where one day a small thing will just make it too much of a problem and I'll have a break down- like, scream and cry a lot. I really hate crying nowadays, I honestly hate crying with all my heart. It's inevitable that I'll probably sob in, I'd say, 2 weeks? It's a friggin' cycle. Always begins and ends, without changes. There is no potential for this to change what so ever. My family (including myself)- we're all hopelessly stubborn as . I was pinpointed as being the problem child and people in the house generally don't see my point of view and generally "don't give a about my opinions". (A quote, yes. Maybe at the time it was meant as a joke, but really, that's a joke. A harsh joke. But if I say it's not funny, then I'm the one with NO sense of humour). I hate being knocked back down into a friggin' pit whilst everyone tramples all over me. I want to get out of this and perhaps have long-distance relations with my siblings. That will guarantee that they won't be able to put me down every single damn day. (I repeat, sometimes it can be only minimal amounts, other times it's just sad). I want to live my life with a happy heart, not a troubled one.


YAY I let out my feelings.


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I totally understand you ...cause usually I brush things like that off but just wait like a week or 2 maybe a little more and you will find me crying during the night ...and I hate crying but sometimes I just can't hold it in ...I don't have many people to talk about things like that so I keep it bottled inside until I can't take it ...what I really hate is that no one seems to understand little things can hurt people in the long run ...