Happy birthday~

Today's evil maknae's birthday~ Awww, after Victoria's day ^_^



I wanted to do this post last night but TIM (time in month xDD bubzbeauty taught that~...or it was TOM...ehh, the same thing~) stoped me from doing anything -_-'.





Oh, this tease~



Why do we love him so much?? >.<


     His voice is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.    


     -> i love these kind of things on tumblr :D Telling everything in one gif! I like that xD


You're handsome, man!!!




Me: "....forget it....."


Kyu: "Huh?"    


Me: "You haven't just..."


Kyu: "Oh yes~"    


Me: "This is war Cho Kyuhyun!"    


Kyu: "But it's my birthday~"    


Me: "I don't care~"    


Haha, this is soooo funny! <333 Hehe, I love you Cho Kyuhyun~




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