Hey guys!!!

OMG hi! How is everyone??? I'm super excited because Valentine's day is coming up so I'm gonna watch Disney movies and eat Ben and Jerry's. lol 

Okay, so I need suggestions for a fic. It could be Minwoo, or GD, or Top. Something uber-fluffy so you ladies at home can read and be all like "WANT" with me. haha

I could also recommend if you like Youngmin Fanfiction to check out BestFriendLacey's stories, they're super cute and super fluff and she knows how to get you right in the feels! Who doesn't love that?! No one! If you don't then get off this site and wash your dreds you pot-head!

Anyway, so let me explain why I havent been posting as much as usual.

1. My computer is a that likes to say "surprise!" and restart when I'm in the middle of a story. I usually write my stuff straight on here, but it hates me and my computer as of late doesn't like it when i press the save button. No, I checked, it's mamory isnt even close to half full.

2. I'm lazy/tired

3. goin through a weird time in my life right now. Don't judge me.

So hopefully I can be less stressed during the weekends and post like a monster. lol In the summer I will be posting a crazy amount I promise, so help me rack up those veiws and subscribers ok!?

I love you guys but I gtg to bed now ok? Don't make that face. I'll be back.

Goodnight lovelies. <3


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