
So I was with Jumpy and Saranghae today and I noticed that Saranghae loves skinship! Jumpy doesn't seem phased by it though. People around us were probably wondering if the two were a couple lol. Normally if another guy was being like that the reaction would be like this


But Jumpy was really calm about the whole thing like Saranghae wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.

I asked jumpy if he felt weird by all the stares his reaction

He said after watching variety shows and whatnot he's used to some of his Korean friends showing skinship....

My feels seeing these two act like my biases! MY FEELS~

Jumpy has just gone up on my list of people who are awesome!


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Are you saying I wasn't awesome already!?
articuno #2
I wouldn't mind meeting them in real life, so cool and lay back.