What if...

You look out you're window and you find this looking at you...




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clearlyonfire #1
I would throw an apple at him.
it scared the sheet outta meh.
hahahaha!! i would probably laugh not scared because of that face!!
ohmygod scared the death out of me. i would probably scream then smack into a pole e-e .
Nich111 #5
Okay. that scared the cr*p out of me at first glance but if it was really Ryuk outside my window, I'd be alright X)
yankee17zelo #6
i would glance at it for a while then i will run for my life...
and I'd probably die cause of heart attack... ... hihi... get it? XD
Death note all the way! :D:D
I would run out of the room.
jadesone #10
I would look at it for a second then scream,then stumble in going doing the stairs calling for my mom to save me...