Revealing It

I'm gonna like reveal something I have 'NEVER' told anyone...
I'm saying this because, well, I just want people to be greateful :)

So, I 'had' a elder sister before. She died in my mom stomach in about 6 or 7 months? The doctor said that my mom stomach was not strong enouggh and some kind of (I have no idea) Unfortunately, she died. My parents was going to name her 'Sue Ann' (or something like that)

After that misscarrige, my mom got pregnant with another baby. But after about 2 month or so, another misscarriage

And next is ME!! The only child (a.k.a: a loner) A healthy baby girl ^^ (My name is Jia Ann ^^) My grandparents pampered me alot when I was a kid (even now XD) My parents do everything for the sake of me

But... I kinda dislike my dad for some reason. I don't know why. It's just that,,, I can't cope with him. I feel awkward and stuff and now, my dad and I hardly talk. I know he cares about me, but I just can't seem to show my gratitude to him i know i care about him, but we just seem, awkward.

And to everyone out there :) be grateful with what you have. You have no idea  how it feels to be the only child. Your parents will stress you out even more. If you have a brother/sister, love them. I want brothers and sisters but unfortunately, I can't (my mom is 52 this year XP)

Show love towards one another and never pick a fight. Remind yourself how lucky you are everyday :)

-True Story :)


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Annoying_Writer #1
Omo.. It's just like me but mine is my both parents... tbh, my whole family... I can't be too close to them rather awkward. My mum favours my younger bro ALOT! so as my other family members, you can say that I'm like Sungyeol in INFINITE, no attention, just a backup member. And I know how to feel, I really do but hey, you have me! :D N God! ♥ u~
owh, you have me:)