[people, care to read?] My Apologies Everyone 。。。

So , I want to apologise to all the rolelayers that have interacted with me in any way because I have reflected and I know that I have been a jerk for ignoring you guys. I hope you guys will forgive me /bows/


I have decided that I will and shall reply to all of you starting now. Like seriously, I even made it my 2013 Chinese New Year resolution since New Year has already passed, but that's not really the point. So, I just want to say that if I don't reply to you in within 48 hours [except when I'm really busy, not lazy], you can come over to pm me so that I'll stop that stupid thing called procrastination.


So, to those that I ignored, I'm truly sorry and I'm wondering would you like to start anew or what? or something? or discontinue? or whatever you think should happen cause it's really awkward for me OTL


Those that I ignored halfway : 




OTL sorry guys, idek what to say anymore . . .


Those that I didn't reply their starters :



I feel even more guilty toward you guys OTL


Those that I didn't even bothered to reply OOC messages :


Okay, the more I type this apology blog, the more guilty I feel cause I'm such a jerk OTL sorry.


So, I'm sorry once again and I hope you guys will like read this and accept my apology since this is an apology blog after all. So to all the above roleplayers what do you think we should do? start anew or what? or something? or discontinue? or whatever you think should happen? 


I promise that I will change to be more diligent instead of being a lazy for my own and other people's good.


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