Bad news!

Guys, I have a bad news. I can't use the Internet from Monday to Thursday which means that I can't read fics for FOUR DAYS! T^T

Expect me to not read stories from Monday to Thursday. My parents did this because the final exams are nearing and the school year's gonna end so I have to do my studies seriously(though I have good grades) since it is the last quarter of the school year. I hope that Friday would come by fast. MY PARENTS HID MY IPAD! But they didn't his my iTouch but I am an obedient daughter to my parents so I just sneaked my iTouch to inform you guys because you might wonder why I'm not commenting/subscribing to your stories. Please support me with my studies~ I won't be able to read your comments to this blog because that would be the time I keep this iTouch and study rest. Very sorry. T^T but don't you worry. After the school ends its already summer(at my country) so I would have more time updating my fic! Might as well write a new one(maybe a one-shot)! ^^ Thank you for taking your time to read this blog filled with news~ ^^ but maybe I would reply to a few comments on this blog^^


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