Does he like me?

So. There's this guy that I liked for a REALLY long time. Let's call him Mr. M for now. :3

He's a senior while I'm a Junior and I met him while managing for the Boy's Tennis Team. 

I started liking him because... Well, its a long story. (comment if you want to hear the whole story. I don't have time right now cuz i'm supposed to be studying for my test) 



He started avoiding me and its been almost a year. But, we're in this sports club and I'm starting to see him every week. and we were taking a break and I tried my best to ignore him but him and his group of friends were near me. 

and then, at the corner of my eyes. I see his friend pushing Mr. M towards me and then they started to wrestle each other or something. IDK. I wasn't really looking but, I felt like his friends were trying to push Mr. M towards me. 


and then, our sport club had lunch and we started to head down to the track to continue our practice. My friend and I were the first ones to reach the track and then the Mr. M and one of his friends started to walk from the opposite direction. 

I was going to run away but I couldn't because my friend was clinging onto my arm. (BTW, my friend doesn't know that i like him.) 

but. My friend was like "Ey! Mr. M! You cheater! You didn't help us clean up!" and then he was like "oh. Sorry...." and then he like, walked towards me and like, we stared into each other's eyes for more than 3 seconds at least. I'm not gonna lie. IT. WAS. THE. BEST. MOMENT. OF. MY. LYFE. 


but yeah. I want to get over him but, I keep on overthinking his little actions and I don't know what to do.


Oh. and I forgot one story. 

It was last semester but, Homecoming was around the corner and I was in my class, and my friend told me that she saw Mr.M's friends pushing Mr. M into the classroom I was in. But, he ran away. i didn't notice at all cuz I was talking to my teacher.. but yeah. what do you guys think? You guys have any idea of how to get over a guy? 

I've been trying to get over him for the past year... :/ HELP ME!


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Gosh its almost as confusing as my situation
/facepalm forever/


what I did. Dont think about him at all and well... find a distraction (usually exo and bap keeps me sane when im goin insane over a guy :D or well... fictional characters in books... like distraction from the fictional character's love story. Like Will in The Infernal Devices. /sighs/)

IDK if it will help. It's diff for everybody.

the guy I like doesnt make sense either. IDK if he likes me or not. /sighs/
-notyourself #2
._. omg.... like...
maybe he does like you? XD i dunno - i never had feelings for anyone so i can't tell you - but still... :O maybe?