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   Ahn Hyerin  

name: Ahn Hyerin
dob: 01.21.1992
birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
                  •    •
ulzzang: Ahn Sukyung
pretty face: 1 2 3 4 5 6
back-up ulzzang: Jung Minhee
beautiful: 1 2 3
blood type: A
height: 169cm
weight: 50kg
                  •    •
username: k-rst-n
name: just call me Kirston
activeness: 8
you don't know me, so shut up boy
Hyerin has always been known as the girl that was number one. She was number one in everything, ranging from her academics all the way down to her sports. She's used to being on top and has never had to back down for anyone.
She's a natural born leader. She was the girl on the playground that would tell people what to do and where to go. She's the kind of girl who if she isn't on the top of the pyramid will throw a fit and demand that she be put there. Being bossy and demanding helps her be a leader. She is not the type to let others push her around, as she's the one that does the pushing around. What she wants, she will get, no matter who she has to yell at for that to happen. Hyerin walks around and you can just tell she's an important person, as she has this aura around her telling others so. Because of her confidence and authoritative figure, people tend to listen to her and follow her orders. She can never be second in command, or it'll drive her crazy. She's the alpha and that's final.
She likes people that are good listeners and can follow rules. If you challenger her position, she'll immediately dislike you. She likes it when she can boss people around, thus it's why Suho is her favorite person in the company. Rule abiding people are her favorite, since she can always depend on those type of people to follow her orders. She hates it when people go against her wishes and deliberately disobey her.
Her cleverness is something she's thankful for. It allows her to manipulate people into doing what she wants the way she wants it. Bribing is not beneath and she's been known to promise people better benefits if they did something for her. Being clever also helps her stand her ground against a bunch of trolls. Even if her coworkers are childish and immature enough to pull pranks and jokes on her, she'll know exactly how to get them back.
Imperfection is not an option for her. Hyerin is a perfectionist about everything. If something is out of order, she'll immediately know and she'll fix it. She can be quite OCD about certain things, like if her pens aren't in color order, it'll drive her nuts. She'll notice if something is not up to her standards and she'll throw a fit until it's fixed. She demands perfection and will not settle for less. Everything must go through her before it's approved and it must be up to her standards. If you do something and Hyerin doesn't give you the okay for it, you better bet she'll make you redo the whole thing until she deems it good enough. 
"Confidence is key," is something she always says. She is super confident of her abilities - sometimes over confident. She knows what she can do and will do it well. Bragging about what she can do isn't beneath her. She especially loves it if she can rub it in a certain coworkers face that she can do something better than them. She can go a bit overboard with it though, and might be too confident. And that can cause problems because when someone shows her up, she won't take it lightly. With this confidence is a certain cockiness. Since she knows what she can do, she can be cocky about it. She loves to talk about her own abilities and doesn't care to know much about others. She thinks she's the best at everything, and isn't afraid to prove it to people when they challenge her.
Hyerin is a very headstrong and opinionated person. This causes her to clash with people who are also outspoken and stubborn. She's not afraid to voice her opinions, even if it clashes with the opinion of someone important. She can be quite stubborn and she always believes that her way is the best and only way.
First and foremost, Hyerin was an unplanned child. Her parents never expected her and she wasn't planned. But even so, when she was born, she was (unfortunately) born into a family of stubborn, strong willed, and successful people.
Ever since she was a child, she was pressured to do more and more. If she didn't do good the first time, she was forced to do it again. She had to give her best effort or else her parents wouldn't accept her work. She was put into a lot of activities, but because she just did so many, she never became great at any of them. As soon as she was just getting good at whatever it was she was doing, and as soon as she'd recieve an award of some type for it, she'd get pulled out by her parents and put into another activity.
Growing up, success was expected of her. Her dad was a successful lawyer, and her mom was a successful doctor. Her parents had high hopes for her and never let her do anything that wasn't up to her standards. Even as a little kid, she already had to think about her future.
She never had much time to play, and she often longingly looked from her window at the neighborhood kids playing soccer or skipping rope outside. She longed to be one of them, but then her tutor would smack the ruler against the table to get her attention and all of those longings went out the window.
Her dad doesn't care about the trivial facts about Hyerin's life. He only cares to hear that she's doing good and is successful. He doesn't want to hear about her friends or her love life, and he definitely doesn't want to hear that she's having fun. Evertime they talk on the phone, he only ever wants to talk about businness and work. It was never a "Hello, how was your day?" no, it was always a "So how's the company doing?"
Her mother, on the other hand, was less strict. Although she was more brutal when it come to criticism. Every little thing Hyerin did wrong, her mom was on her back about it. It helped Hyerin learn that mistakes were not okay and she had to be precise and do everything correctly. Both of her parents love their daughter, even if she was unplanned, but they don't exactly know how to show their affection.
Her background shaped who she is today. Since perfection was always expected of her, she grew up thinking that there could never be anything less. Her parents raised her into the person she is today, and she doesn't know any different.
  • being number one and on the top
  • being the leader or alpha
  • neatness and order
  • talking about herself and proving herself
  • good listeners and rule abiders
  • when people praise her and give her compliments
  • oversized sunglasses and cute accessories
  • clothes; buying them and wearing them
  • beating Kris
  • being in second place
  • rule breakers, except Himchan
  • imperfection of any kind
  • things being out of order
  • being pranked and joked on
  • being left out of the loop
  • people who challenge her
  • being stressed and pressured
  • Kris beating her
  • fashion
  • work
  • collecting sunglasses
  • knitting
  • when she's thinking and concetrating really hard, she'll tap her pencil or pen against her desk repeatedly
  • she'll always buy a new pair of sunglasses whenever she goes shopping (which is often)
  • she'll reorganize things, even if they're already in perfect orde
  • when she's nervous, she'll keep reapplying her lip gloss
  • she has her own sunglass collection. It takes up almost a full wall and she treats them like her babies. No one is allowed to touch "The Wall". 
  • she has a "Mini Wall" containing a couple of her favorite sunglasses in her office
  • her favorite color is deep red
  • her nails are almost always painted a shade or tint of red
  • she always wear Chanel No.5, no matter what. She also has an extra bottle for emergencies locked up in her cabinet at work
  • she can be considered a workaholic and her friends joke that she's married to her job
  • she hates alcohol and can't stand it
  • she always drinks at least two cups of coffee every day. Four if it's been a stressful week.
  • she writes notes to herself on her hand to keep track of things
  • her favorite designer brand is Chanel. 
  • she is left handed
  • after a stressful week, she always buys herself a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream and eats most of it herself
  • she secretly likes to knit, it helps her relieve some of her stress
Ahn Jaejin ¦ father ¦ 57 ¦ alive ¦ He is a super strict person. He wants the best for his family, and is always pushing them to do better. Jaejin doesn't settle for anything less than perfection. He's the type that doesn't take no for an answer. ¦ He is the reason why Hyerin has gotten so many awards and has done so many extracurriculars. He always pushed her to do more and told her she could always do better, no matter what her result is. Their relationship is kind of weird. They don't really talk unless it's about her work. He doesn't care to know much else about her and her life. He only wants to know that she's working hard and is successful.
Song Hwayoung ¦ mother ¦ 54 ¦ alive ¦ She's a pretty strict woman also, but not as strict as her husband. She's a bit more lenient but can also be pretty brutal when it comes to criticism. She, like her husband, never takes no for an answer and will be willing to do whatever she needs to to get her way. She's a pretty braggy person and is always bragging to others about her successful daughter. ¦ Since Hyerin was Hwayoung's first and only daughter, Hwayoung expected her to be perfect. She put a lot of pressure on Hyerin, even sometimes more so than her husband does. Hwayoung loves her daughter, but doesn't know exactly how to show it.
best friend(s):
Ailee ¦ 23 ¦ Ailee is fun to be around and is just an all around great and easy going person. She's funny and is always cracking one joke or another. She is a person that can never be serious for long. Ailee is always seen with a bright smile on her face, no matter what happens or where she is. ¦ Ailee is like a sister to Hyerin. Even though she's drastically different from always serious Hyerin, the two are best of friends. Hyerin is always glad to be able to spend time with her because Ailee is just a great stress reliever. Just seeing her smile and laugh and crack jokes makes Hyerin relax and feel at ease. That's why they're the best of friends even though they're pretty different personality wise.
Nicole ¦ 21 ¦ Nicole is this shy little thing. She's quiet and not very talkative. Once you get to know her, she's a bit more outgoing. If she were a tv, her volume limit would be automatically set to halfway. Her voice is naturally soft and so she's sometimes not heard when she's trying to say sometimes. She is easily taken advantage of. ¦ Hyerin has known her since high school, and ever since she stopped a bully from picking on Nicole, they've been friends ever since. Nicole is easily taken advantage of so Hyerin considers herself Nicole's guardian. And even though Hyerin is loud and outspoken, the complete opposite of Nicole, the two are great friends because they mesh well together.
Hyosung ¦ 23 ¦ She's fierce and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She'll say what she's thinking, even if it's bad - especially if it's bad.  She'll call you out if she doesn't like you or what you're doing. She can be extremely blunt. Hyosung is fearless. She's confident and knows she's good looking and isn't afraid to flaunt it. She's an extremely fun person to be around. Hyosung is crazy. She's like the girl version of Himchan, except more adventurous and less rebellious. ¦ Hyosung is always on some kind of adventure, and thus she always pulls Hyerin along. They get along great and together they're always laughing and partying it up. Hyerin loves the fact that Hyosung doesn't hold anything back and so Hyerin doesn't hold anything back towards her either.. 
Himchan ¦ 22 ¦ He's a wild child. He's loud and crazy and daring. He's not afraid to have some fun and is definitely not afraid to break some rules while doing it. He's fun and outgoing and knows how to have a great time. He's adventurous and is always doing something he shouldn't. ¦ Himchan is her party buddy. Himchan knows Hyerin is always stressed and puts too much pressure on herself, so he takes her out to let loose and have fun. She's grateful he does that for her, or else she think she'll explode from all the stress she's under. Even though he breaks rules (and she hates people like that), she doesn't care much when it's him, because c'mon, it's Himchan, and no one can stay mad that this wild child for long.
Yonghwa ¦ 23 ¦ He is a great listener. He's the type of guy that'll listen to you talk and talk for hours on end. He also knows exactly what to say when you're done. He can make anyone feel better with that cute smile of his. ¦ Yonghwa is Hyerin's go to person for when she wants to rant, whether it be about work, her coworkers, or even her love life. He listens to her and knows exactly what to say at exactly the right times. She loves talking to him and he loves listening to her. Their relationship is beneficial for both, and they both are pretty happy with it.
enemy: Ok Taecyeon; he's the sleaziest guy she's ever met and ever flirtier than Jongin. He's also the equivalent of her at their rival company, and he's always trying to sabotage her and her work place. Aside from being flirty and always coming on to Hyerin whenever he can, Hyerin just cannot stand how he got to the top of his company; by flirting his way through. His work ethic is terrible and he's just a horrible person. She hates him even more than she wants to be better than Kris.
okay, let's talk about love
plot name: The Team Leader
love interest: Kris
love rival: n/a
questions/comments/concerns: I hope everything is alright with my character and the app. Good luck choosing applicants!
if you are not selected will you still read?: yes.
desired scenes:
  • scene where Taecyeon won't leave Hyerin alone and keeps bothering her and Kris sees this and gets him off her back by pretending to be her boyfriend. But then after Taecyeon leaves, Kris turns around with a disgusted look and is all like, "You owe me now. I only did that because he was keeping you from getting to work."
  • Jongdae really does pelt her with water balloons and she makes him switch clothes with her (regarding the answers below)
  • a bet between her and Kris to see who can get Suho to do the most things for them
  • someone reorganizes her pens and screws up her perfect order and she goes crazy and sets out on a manhunt to find out who did it
  • Kris messes with her "Mini Wall" of sunglasses
favorite plot: The Team Leader
least favorite plot: The Manga Geek


you're not a bad girl
why should you be hired?: I'm very qualified for the job, maybe even over qualified, but let's not think about that. I'm a great leader and can definitely take charge. And if a certain sometime *coughKRIScough* is ever sick, I'd be happy to fill in for him. And hey, if I do a good job, who says I can't beat him out of his own job? I was top of my class so it's only natural that I'd be the team leader around the company. I'd make the perfect fit. I've been told many times that I'm sort of threatening, but not in a bad way of course. Just in a way that'll get people to listen to me. I have an authoritative aura and it's only fitting that I take authority and leadership. I'd be the best choice for the position, hands down.
favorite namja: The First Love; she's rule abiding and attentive, always paying attention to everything I say. She doesn't go against my word and seems like the girl that'll do what she is told without any question. It also helps that she's really sweet and kind to everyone (and it's a nice break to talk to her instead of Kris over there). Since she knows her place, it looks like we'll get along fine.
least favorite namja: The Snob; she's too stuck up and selfish. It seems like she only cares about herself and no one else, not even the company, considering she has the worst sales in the department. She's haughty and it looks like we'll heads a lot because our personalities might clash. 
sesshi back yo
[7] xiumin
[9] luhan
[12] kris
[1] suho 
[8] baekhyun 
[2] kyungsoo
[6] chanyeol
[11] jongdae
[3] yixing
[4] zitao
[10] jongin
[5] sehun
ugh, it's one of those days and you really want to call in "sick". do you? or do you not?: Of course not. I would never do that and risk my reputation (and position) in the company. Also, I have to always be there to keep an eyes on Kris. Who knows what he could do to screw up the whole team if I'm gone for a day. And I would feel bad for leaving my coworkers to deal with Kris on their own without me. He could be even more annoying than normal and I would have no way to stop it if I'm not at work. Besides, if I'm really sick, I could just go sneeze or cough on Kris and get him sick so he stays home for a few days. It'll be a win win for everyone if he does.
chen just pelted you with water balloons. what do you do?: I would first, confiscate all of water balloons, water guns, water - whatever it is he has. Maybe I'll accidentally drop it in The Snob's cubicle and hope he has a hard time getting it out from there. And regarding my wet clothes, I'll make him switch shirts with me. He's always wearing those really comfortable looking sweaters so it'd work out great! For me anyway... I hope that'll teach him not to throw water balloons on me, and instead use them to get Kris.
so you bring a nice looking batch of brownies in the office. baozi accidentally eats them all. what do you do?: I should've known never to leave brownies alone with Xiumin. It's my fault for just leaving it out in the open for him, but he should've had some self control. Anyway, after spending all the time and effort on the first batch, I really don't have any more time to make a second batch. Can't Kyungsoo just make some and let me pass it off as my own? Or maybe I should just make the next batch really gross so he doesn't even dare to eat another thing of mine. 
jongdae is annoying the crap out of you with his loud and terrible renidition of "baby" so you:
a) duct tape his mouth
b) sing along with him [ and you become an annoying, singing troll ]
c) chuck paper airplanes at him 
d) send duizhang after him 
you're asked to give a tour of the office. the first place you show them is...:
a) my office / cubicle of course. you're very important and you're sure he/she will be visiting you frequently
b) the bathroom, duhhhh. we all need to use it, especially tao who spends over an hour in there after lunch
c) lounge room cause welcome to the unlimited coffee beans 
d) tell them to look around themselves cause c'mon, there's sign boards everywhere. don't act like a country bumpkin 
somehow you wind up on the floor where there's only one bathroom with one stall. but someone is taking forever in there and you really need to go so you:
a) bang on the door nonstop while screaming curses at whoever is inside
b) kick the door down, or well, at least, attempt to / try to pick the lock with a bobby pin 
c) pee in the potted plant....or well, that's what you tell the person inside that you will do if he/she does not ge tout this instant
d) sprint to the next available bathroom (but honestly, you kinda won't make it cause it's a big, big emergency. worth a shot 'though)



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