Block B 30 Day Challenge - Day 6 & 7 >.< Oh lawd...I'm already gettin off track

So I've been pretty busy these past 2 days and I've been kinda lacking on my posts...actually I'm not gonna lie, today I was in my dorm all day but was just damn lazy >.< BUT...but I did do some notes for my Bio class so I was productive.

So now to what you all came here for! I present to you Block B 30 Day Challenge Day 6 & 7...

Here are the questions:


Day 6: A member you think is the best dancer

Day 7: A member you wish was your younger/older brother (I know I'm gonna have fun with this one)

Who do I think is the best dancer in Block B?

Well I'm not gonna lie...I love U-Kwon and his crumping skills. He has very sharp movements and is extremely talented (no frickin duh ...he is in like the most talented rookie group of 2011) I also really like B-Bomb. His movements are much more smooth and fluidic compared to U-Kwon. I mean did you see his body waves?! If not, lemme show you some

Mmmm mmmm MMMM! ay!

So who do I choose? Both. That's probably against the rules to say but I'm not caring right now. I'm a fan of both sharp and fluid dancing. As a dancer myself, I admire both U-Kwon and B-Bomb's dancing skillz (yes skills with a 'z'...why? Because that's hep hap)


Block B Dance Line

And of course I can't talk about U-Bomb's dancing skillz without posting this...yes it's that video. (You know you wanna click it...)

But I will not count out Zico! He is a freakin LIAR! That son of a nutcracker can dance! Him and his indirect booty popping...


I wonder if he can freestyle at all...him and Kyung. I bet they can...

And now for of one my favorite questions so far! Who would I want as a younger/older brother?

Today is just the day I'm not gonna care about any rules because I'm gonna go with almost all of them and I'm gonna give why.

P.O. - He would make a great younger brother to me because he's just too cute! I just wanna squeeze him and just pinch his cheeks and just kiss his cheeks like you would a baby.

Look at that smile! *dies of cuteness*

I can't see any of the 92-line (Whoo! 92-ers!) as my siblings. I find them too attractive'd just be XD

B-Bomb would be an amazing older brother. He's just so cool and I think he'd be a great person to look up to. We could dance and be chic and charasmatic with each other too hehe XD We seriously act too much alike! He looks so cute in bowties as well. I'm afraid that it might turn into if he were to be my brother though...ah well... comment...he's honestly too beautiful and I'd be too jealous and probably feel like the forgotten/ugly child if he were my brother.

See what I mean?!

He's really funny though...I like funny guys.


Last but never the least, Taeil oppa~ I would want him to just sing me to sleep every night.

His voice is so smooth and soothing.

He'd be a great older brother for me because he doesn't have to do much to make me happy. All he'd have to do is be there. I absolutely love Taeil and for him to be my older brother would be an honor.

And plus he's so cute and squishy!


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p.o is so adorable :D
ya! that video makes me keyboard smash!!! XD ♥♥ aha yes, zico's is quite lovely in that, as is his dancing...that lying little monkey! u-bomb ftw~ and po is so freaking adorable, i can't stand it XD it's be cool if we were siblings because we share a birthday!!!! XD ♥