Bouquet Application




{Azura, Choi}



AFF Account : LittleBacon
What should I call you: you can call me Mina~ :)
How often you're on: 7? Since I have not exams yet XD


Name: Choi Azura
Nickname: Azul. Her parent gave this pretty nickname. It's mean blue in Spanish. Color of blue has a meaning of simple, easy-going, and sincere. It's fit her personality well.
Age: 19
Birthday: 14 February 1994
Ethnicity : Japanese-Korean
Birthplace: Jeju Island - South Korea

Hometown: Tokyo - Japan


Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye
5 Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5
Back Up Ulzzang Name: Park Hwan Hui (Hana)
5 Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

Style: Azura likes to wear something simple, cute and comfortable
Casual 1 2 3
Formal 1 2 3
Practice 1 2
Extras: She have 3 piercings on the left ear, and 2 on the right. And she also have Chienese caligraphy tatoo on her left waist


Personality :

Azura is a friendly and easy going person. She get along well with other idol. She's talkative and like to nags at her member cause she really care about them. She like to hear people problems and can be a trustfull person. You'll surprised if you hear her heavy voice when she's rapping and singing. It's very different with her chipmunk voice when she's talking!

Azura is a derp! She like play pranks, fooling around, and show facial face, and kinda noisy. But, behind those personalities, she's always hide her tears. She'll cry alone when she have a problem. After that, she'll pretend nothing happened. Azura is good at cooking, that's why she's called "Group's Chef", she often bring delicious food to SM and share it with other artist or the staffs.

Good Traits : Cooking, being friendly, playing instruments
Bad Traits : Bad at drawing, can't stay cool, so hard to wake up in the morning, bad at being cheesy and flirting
Habits : 

- eye smile appeared when she laughed

- She can sleep more than 12hours when she get stressed out

- She's laugh like a crazy cow *lolwhut?*
- She's a sleep walker. She'll move to random bed. So don't forget to lock your room! XD


Triva :

- was a backing dancer for SNSD TaeTiSeo

- was a backing vocal for BoA's only one

- have the shortest trainee period (10 months)

- can speak Korean, Japanese, English, Mandarin, Bahasa fluently

Likes : Sweet foods, sleeping, playing instruments, Hello Kitty, Rillakuma, summer, EXO sunbaenim, kitty and puppy

Dislikes : rats, sad movie, frog, vegetables, thick make up, wake up in the morning, diet *LOL*



Family Background : She was born at Jeju Island and moved to Japan when she was 10 years old since her mom is Japanese while her father is Korean. But she moved to Korea again when she was 18 cause her trainee day. Her father trust Minho's family to take care of her when she's in Korea.

Family Members: (Choi Minho | 22 & 9 Dec 91 | Idol | Close cousin | a really caring, strict, and over-protective cousin) 


Friends : (Henry Lau |24 & 11 Oct 89 | Idol | Henry and Azura often play instruments and composing songs together on their free time. Both of them has many mutual passion such as violin, piano, mochi, etc)

(Kang Jiyoung |19 & 18 Jan 94 | Idol | Azura met Jiyoung at the backstage of MuBank Tokyo. They're on the same line and often talking with Japanese)

(Jung Daehyun | 20 & 28 Jun 93 | Idol | Azura really adore his voice and suddenly came to him and ask him to be her friend. Daehyun thinks Azura is weird and funny)

(Park Sunyong [Luna] | 20 & 12 Aug 93 | Idol | Azura's favorite unnie beside Tiffany, BoA, and Yuri unnie. They was met at SM Town Tokyo)

(Park Chanyeol | 21 & 27 Nov 92 | Idol | Azura's derpy buddy. They're have same personality as well. Rapping together, derping together. Azura now join BaekYeol derpy duo)

(Lee Taemin | 20 & 18 Jul 93 | Idol | At first Azura shy to talk wit Taemin. But they're getting close after Azura ask him to teach her Maxstep dance)

Best Friends:

(Kim Jongin [Kai] | 19 & 14 Jan 94 | Idol |Kai is Azura's best friend and her private dance tutor also. Cause Azura want to dance as cool as Kai. Kai seems know Azura really well. He almost know everything about her. And they're getting close since the first time they met )

(Jung Soojung [Krystal] |19 & 25 Oct 94 | Idol | Krystal is the first one who help Azura when the first time she came to Korea. At that time, Azura's korean still bad and fortunately Krystal can understand her english. And now they're getting really close. Azura is the only Krystal's besties)



How she got into SM: She was attending SNSD's concert at Tokyo. When she was about to go home, a staff came to her and ask her for an audition. Then she followed SM 2012 Global Audition at Tokyo and pass it.

Trainee years & How she was treated: The fastest trainee period. She only trained for 10 months. She has a good passion at rapping and singing and also have a unique voice character. That's one of the reason why her trainee period was so short.

She got many lesson such as vocal, rap, dance, acting, modeling, etc with a very strict rules that almost make her frustated. But really enjoy her trainee period.

Stage Name: Azul
Persona: Maknae act
Personal Fanclub Name/Color: Baby Blue. Cause she act like a baby maknae when she's actually not, and the meaning of her name is blue / 
azurelala  <-- can you see the color? XD it's Azure!

Singing links: 1 2
Dancing links: 1 2
Rapping links: 1 2



Love Interest: (Oh Sehun | 19 | EXO | Calm, Shy, Manly, sometimes cute too | Close Friend, Dance Mate)

How Did They Meet: at the trainee day, when Sehun will debut soon, she met him at the bubble tea shop. He was sat alone so Azura come to him to courage him and said that she'll always support EXO. Since that time Azura was hypnotized with Sehun's smile.

How They Act In Public: just like a close friend, they're hangout together, study together, and understanding each other. Sehun usually shy to every girl, but not to Azura cause she's a derp.

How They Act Alone: Who's know that they're doing skinship too? Just like tickling, ruffles hair, holding hands. They're sharing their problem and story. But when it's a love story, they gonna be shy suddenly.

Ex-Lover: (Xi Luhan | 25 | EXO | Bright, warm, friendly, cute)

Why Did You Break Up?: EXO's debut. Even they're still loving each other but they have to break up in a good way. Now they're being a friend and pretend nothing happened between them.

Any More Feelings?: Can you feel it when you're Luhan's ex but now you're falling for Sehun?? [OMG HUNHAN FEEL! *^*]



Rival: (Bae Suzy | 19 | Miss A | Easy going, popular, friendly | They're 94 line friend)

Why Are You Rivals?: Actually they're competed in a goodway. But since both of them under the 'big three' company, the competition can't be avoid. Suzy likes Chanyeol, when actually Chanyeol is Azura's friend. She misunderstood about them and thought that Azura take Chanyeol from her.



Comments: Fighting author-nim! I hope you'll update frequently cause most of apply fic I join were never update and it's so disappointing -.-

Suggestions: Can we do EXO-Bouquet running man?? It's gonna be so fun! OuO

Other: Nope. Just Hwaiting!! <3
Password: Hereeuu~


Thankyouuu~ <3 ^^


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Haha~~~ I loooooove the whole Hunhan thing. Lolz. I ship them sooo hard. Anyway, Azura is really really adorable. Her style and her looks are so awesome. I really love her name too, it's super original~ Thanks for applying~ -The Author of Bouquet