

Hello :)

While I missed some days, I tried to write a blog everyday, I have been on the site for fourty - three days! This is the site that I've uploaded the most and had the most ideas for. Even though most of the age group is a little younger than me lol. I still have a group that likes my mature things. I just have write my horror story xD! I'm also supposed to be working on my actual book, but I am soooo lazy....

I'm still working on a lot of things, I'm just really tired for some reason. I think I'm still not used to switching the times around. I'll get used to it. Or I'll just go on. Been there done that. But when you start writing, "He raised his earbrow." It might be time for a nap. Which I might try to take in a little bit. Or write :P Haven't decided. I really want to finish something today before I have to go to work tomorrow. But I also have to get laundry, the rest of the dishes and shoes xC At least I don't have to worry about dinner, leftovers! xD 


I am so tiredddddd 


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xD omg that made me crack up xD