「The Secrets of Luminaria」┋ »Jung Soo Ah«

The Secrets of Luminaria

What is this place really?



( Jung Soo Ah )


Welcome To The City

Username: Rainydaze

How active are you?: 10. I'm on everysingle day...

Name/Nickname: Stella


Allow Me To Take Off Your Coat

Full Name: Jung Soo Ah

Nickname(s):  Sua (Her English name)

Age:  16 going on 17

Birthdate: December 21, 2296 (1996)

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: English: Advanced, Korean: Advanced


You Look Rather Lovely

Ulzzang Name: Baek Su Min

Picture Links: Gallery  (I hope you don't mind I linked to a gallery instead of linking to indivisual pictures.)

Back-up Ulzzang: Jang Hye Byeol

Picture Links: Gallery

Height:  167 cm

Weight:  45kg

Style Description: She likes to wear long shirts that cover her body and are loose. She does not really like tight clothing. For her bottoms, Soo Ah prefers shorts, leggings, and long pants. No skirts. Soo Ah prefers comfort over fashion, mainly because no one cares if she dresses well or not. She never wears shoes; she doesn't own a pair.

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Show Me Your Inner Light

Personality: Fragile. That is the main word to describe her personality. Soo Ah is struggling to keep herself together, to keep all of the pieces of her life in to one. She is very vulnerable; even the slightest insult can have her break down in to tears when no one is around. This child is lost; she is all by herself in this cruel world and she has no idea what her future holds nor does she know when she is going to die. Soo Ah is very pessimistic and is the type of person who looks down and hates on the world. Her entire heart is filled with so much anguish, despair and hatred that she believes that she can no longer be happy again.

She never talks; she has trained herself to stay quiet. The people who knows that she exists believe that she is mute and don't even try to make her speak. Because everyone has abandoned her, she feels dead and she has a hard time trusting people. In fact, she does not trust anyone at all. She knows she is on her own and perfers to do things herself, not that anyone ever helps her. Because the only attention she ever recieves are because of pity, she hates being in the center of attention and prefers to keep herself hidden.

Soo Ah is very judgemental of people but she hardly ever meets anyone new. She never thinks of people in a positive light. When someone makes a mistake towards her, she never forgives them. She is very bitter towards everything but the only reason is because everyone gave up hope on her. The only things she loves are her dolls and painting because they will never leave her and never abandon her.

Soo Ah likes to learn new things; probably because she does not go to school. She is always thinking of new ways to keep herself entertained and is always wondering if there is a world outside of Luminaria. 

Because she has nothing to do and can not go far, Soo Ah lives in her room and is always organizing it. She does not like things to be messy so she is always cleaning and organizing. This child is very hardworking and diligent when she puts her mind to it. She is also very independent, mostly because no one ever does anything for her. She does not believe in romance and hates anything related to it because no one has ever loved her unconditionally. The only thing she wants to do is to be cured and leave her home forever.

Background:  Even from the moment she was born, she was a dissapointment to her parents. They had wanted a boy but out came a girl. They soon got over that but when she was three she started to have breathing problems and she couldn't excercise as much as the other kids. When they took her to the doctor, they found out that Soo Ah had lung problems and that the air in Luminaria was the problem. He told her that if she did not get better air, she would eventually die. Her parents spent all their money on living in the best place in Luminaria for her but the air was not good enough to cure her.

When she was seven, she found out that she could not walk or run as much as the other kids; excercise tired her out too quickly. When her parents found out that her leg muscles were weak, they took her out of preschool and stopped her from leaving the house. Years went by and she never met anyone other than her family members. Her condition got worse and she stopped talking; her parents gave up all hope that she was going to recover.

She started to take care of herself. She made herself a quick breakfast while her family was still sleeping and ate dinner after everyone was asleep. During the night, past curfew, she always goes outside and walks for a little bit. While she walks, she wonders when she is going to die and if there is a world outside of Luminaria.

Likes:  Her dolls: They are the only thing she loves

tea: It helps keep her full and helps her clear her head.

her guitar: It is the only instrument she has. She plays it whenever she feels lonely and depressed.

The smell of paint: She just likes the smell of it.

Flowers: She feels like she can relate to them. They are so fragile and their life can end at any moment, just like hers.

Puzzles: They keep her entertained.



eating: She does not really like eating. She does not know why but it is probably because she does not see the point in living.

Meeting new people: She knows that all they feel for her is pity.

Romance Novels: They make her want to puke.

Insects: She is scared to death of insects.

Messing up on her paintings or drawings: She gets frustrated at herself.



Playing her guitar: It helps her feel calm and it keeps her occupied.

Drawing: It helps her express herself.

Painting: It helps her express herself. Plus, she likes  the colors.

Reading: It allows her to be someone else. Someone that isn't her.



She rips her fingernails when she gets bored.

She bits her fingernails when she gets scared.

She wiggles her toes when she gets happy



She is scared that she might have to die a painful death. She wishes to die in her sleep.

Though she always denies it to herself, she is scared that she might die unloved by anybody.

she is scared of opening her heart to anyone because they might abandon her



She tends to vomit almost everything she eats.

She has asthma and her lungs are weak. Luminaria air is not good for her lungs.

She has walking problems. She can not walk for more than 10 minutes and she can not stand for longer than 30.

Her nails are really short from her ripping and biting them.

She does not talk. She can but she has not spoken for a really long time.



Aren't We Family?


Jung Jae Hyun | 50 | Chef | Jae Hyun is very quiet and he hardly ever speaks his mind. He likes to go with the flow and not make anyone uncomfortable. He dislikes doing anything that takes up a lot of his time and he is never really focused on anything. His mind is all over the place and he is very disorganized. He is very lazy and dislikes hard work but, when he puts his mind to it, he tries to do his best. He dislikes it when things get complicated and convoluted which is probably the reason why he gave up hope of Soo Ah.   | He tries his best to believe that Soo Ah does not exist but always checks in her bedroom in the morning to see whether or not she is still living. | Alive


Nam Ji Yoon | 49 | Florist | Ji Yoon is obsessive; She is obsessed with being perfect. That is her main goal. She is polite, respectful, and affable and never lets anyone see that she is flawed. She is very determined; when she wants something, she has to have it. She is willing to leave other people behind if it means she can be perfect or accomplish her goals.  | She constantly tries to forget that Soo Ah exists and does not really care about her.  | Alive


Jung Soo Yeon (Jessica) | 21 | Fashion designer | Sister | Idol | She tries her best to think positive and be cheerful all the time. Jessica tries really hard to keep a smile on her face but most of the time, it is a forced smile. She always tries too hard and is very obedient; she never disobeys orders. Most of the time, she wishes she did not have to follow orders but does so anyways. She likes to keep people happy and often does more than she should to make people like her. Jessica is confused as to whether or not she is happy with her life. | She does not talk to Soo Ah and tries to believe that she does not exist because it makes her feel like a bad and horrible person. However, she does check up on Soo Ah at night to see if she is still alive. At times, she makes clothes and puts it in Soo Ah's closet . | Alive

Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) | 19 | Hair stylist | Sister | Idol | Out going and fun, Soo Jung likes to live in the now. She is reckless and impulsive; she never stops to think about the consequences. She is very careless and is very disorganized. Frankly, she does not see the point in cleaning up. After all, some one is going to mess it up again. She is very competitive and hates anyone who dares to challenge her. Soo Jung is also very ambitious; she is determined to get to the top and is willing to do anything to get there, even if it means she has to crush people and play dirty to get it.  | She does not talk to Soo Ah and tries to believe that she does not exist. She holds a grudge against Soo Ah because she used to be the center of her parent's attention a long time ago. | Alive

Best Friends: None

Friends: None


The Key To Your Heart

Love Interest: Jung Dae Hyun

Age + Birthdate: 18, January 14, 2295 (1995)

Personality: Apparently, Jung Dae Hyun has never heard that curiousity killed the cat. He pokes his nose in to other people's buisnesses and is always doing things that get him in to lots of trouble. He stays current on the latest gossip and often spreads a few rumors himself. He can be reckless and impulsive because he never stops to think. Jung Dae Hyun is more of the person that tries to live in the present and stop thinking about what might happen. His curiousity has no bounds and has often led him to do stupid and reckless things. He once went out in to the ocean to look for a shark. He made himself get a paper cut and waited; luckily, his friends rescued him before a shark could actually come.

He may be spontaneous and unpredictable but he is very loyal to his friends; for his friends, he would do anything. He is the type of person that believes in true everlasting friendship and is always trying to make new friends. Affable and amicable, he has no problems making and meeting new friends; he is generally well liked and if someone dislikes him, he tries to make them like him. Persistant and determined, there is almost nothing he can not do when he puts his mind to it. Now, if only he could put that determination in to something worthwhile, like studying...

Have you met yet?: No

How you met/meet: Jong In was walking around late one night when he saw a girl leaving her house. It was past curfew and he could not help but wonder what she was doing and where she was doing so he followed her. He didn't really get tired for she seemed to take a lot of rest while she was walking; almost as if she was not used to walking for so long. He tried his best to keep quiet as he followed her.

When he enters the world above, she finally notices him. But, after a moment, she ignores him and continues to look at the stars. He starts to bombard her with questions but she doesn't answer. The two end up going home together and when she stumbles, he carries her home. After he sees that she went home, he starts to feel butterflies in his stomach but then wonders why he has never seen her around. Soo Ah, on the other hand, believes that he is a complete psycho. She tries to convince herself that she only let him carry her because she was so tired.


Back-up Love Interest: Lee Howon (Hoya) 

Age + Birthdate: 17, March 28 2295

Personality:  Hoya is a big worrier; he worries about every single thing. About his life, about other people's lives, etc. He doesn't mean to burden people with his worrying but he just can not help it; it is his way of showing that he cares for people. He is a big softie and will always try to keep his friends and family happy, even if it means sacrificing some of the things he wants. Hoya cares more about the happiness of others and often forgets to pursue his own dreams and interests.

Hoya always tries to think before he speaks or acts and will never do anything rash. He tries his best to keep a level and cool head and to always think about the consequences but, sometimes, his curiousity gets to him and he does things he is not supposed to do. He tries his best to be a good person and, most of the times, he really is. He never tries to make trouble and he tries to follow the rules. But trouble seems to like him and sometimes successfully tempts him in to doing something he isn't supposed to do.

Have you met yet?: No.

How you met/meet: Hoya was up late one night doing his homework and he saw a girl walking past curfew. He could not help but wonder what she was doing and where she was doing so he followed her. He didn't really get tired for she seemed to take a lot of rest while she was walking; almost as if she was not used to walking for so long. He tried to convince himself to go back home but his curiousity would not let him and he ended up following her as she found the world above.

When he enters the world above, she finally notices him. But, after a moment, she ignores him and continues to look at the stars. He starts to ask her questions but she doesn't answer. The two end up going home together and when she stumbles, he carries her home. After he sees that she went home, he starts to feel butterflies in his stomach but then wonders why he has never seen her around.


This Is The End

Scene Requests: I wish that Jong In and Soo Ah could have a balcony scene when they get closer. Jong In throws rocks at her window and when she looks down, he tells her to come down so they could go to the world above. Oh and I think you should put in a scene where Jong In gives Soo Ah a pair of pretty sneakers.

Comments? Questions?: I really like your idea. I think it was really cool. Thank you so much for letting me have another day!

Password: Lanterns



Thank you so much for applying! >w<


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