
Hello :}

Whoo! Started my first day at my new job today! ...My feet hurt. Lol only because I didn't wear the right type of shoe. 

But my job is easy I scan a barcode, scan another barcode and then stick a label on it. Seriously that's it. xD


Its only hard for the standing for 7-8 hours for it... 

Lat night I had an idea while finshing up my idea for the Taeyang, that made it so I couldn't finish the oringal until that was done. Some I'm going to getting those done and then leaving them alone for a while. Pick up another one, maybe. But I really do like the Taeyang profile picture I made so I don't want to change it yet. xD


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OTL I Just asked you how your day went yet it's all right here....-.-;;