First and Last

Hey everyone! This will be my first and last blog post on here...unless I find myself wanting to write here again but I don't think so because I have tumblr!!

Uhm, I made this post just to let you guys know that I appreciate each and every one of you, whether you read this and find my stories before I wrote this post or after. Thank you for all the support and all the comments and the love that I receive from all of you. I honestly wouldn't have the will to post or write if not for you guys' appreciative comments and sometimes even those awesome creative criticisms that help me become a better writer.

I hope we can keep that symbiotic(lol so science-y and I don't like science---not really, i dunno, sometimes) bond between us! 

I do notice that You guys tell me so much about how you feel about my stories and all that and how they relate to you. I do have stories(deleted or not) that are pretty emotional and I find some comments saying how they relate to them, how they feel the character's pain because they've been through it themselves.

To be honest, a lot of scenarios either on my chaptered fics or my oneshots have happened to me, or relate to me. You guys probably know me more than you think by now.(except for the stories, lovelies, I AM A ).

In the Collection of /shorts/ with scenarios with exo's ideal type, Chanyeol's chapter......the girl descripted there is pretty much me, her life story is pretty much mine. I mean obviously I tweaked it a little to suit the story but other than that, that is me, that has been my life, and that is who I am.

In Belonging when Jongin brings Kyungsoo home under his umbrella in kindergarten, that happened to me, that exact scene where the grandfather met them half-way home. That happened with me and my first love.

See? You guys could probably pick out all the other scenes that seem real, because they probably are.

Now, I want to take this chance to let you guys know that you guys can talk to me. About anything. Comment on here, tell me about anything, what bothers you, what makes you happy, what doesn't make you happy, what you like about my stories, what you don't like about my stories, what's been going on with your life, all that, you can even rant about the worst thing that's happening to you or that's ever happened to you in your life. I will listen. Tell me if you want opinions or advice, or for me to just read it(because I will) and listen, because sometimes that's all we really need.

So if any of you need anyone, then comment or message me! If you want to be anonymous, you can always message me on my tumblr!


PS:::: if you want to release any ual frustration and rant about how you want to oppa then hell, I'M HERE TO LISTEN AS WELL LOL 

and ofc, if you want to request, send it here!



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