So their video for Safety Zone was just released. If you haven't seen it, click here.

But omg you guys. It's so amazing. Their vocals are stunning. The rap is stunning. The video is beautiful.

As of now, I am a Dalmate. Are we even Dalmates anymore? With the name change, I don't really think the fandom name applies anymore...

Anyways, enjoy this gif of DMTN's maknae and my bias, Daniel Chae!


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anne-maschera #1
In one of their recent live performance in Music Core, Simon screamed 'Dalmatian!' before his rap part. They are still Dalmatian (though dmtn sounds pretty cool too) adn we are still Dalmates :3 I read in one of the interviews that changing names are all part of keeping their motivation up, like starting fresh or something. Well, we all know how much they have gone through :(
p/s: Awwww I miss Bbangku!