the secretromantic Princess





behind my mask

username: goojinnie

profile link: goojinnie

nickname?: Jinnie



 my princess-ibility


 name: Kang Jinri

age: 20 [21 Korean age]

ethnicity: Korean

family/friend nicknames: Jinnie, Rie

birthday: 29 March 1993

place of birth: Seoul

i come from: Haeundae-gu ,Busan

languages: Korean – because she IS Korean, English – she has always been fascinated with the language ever since she first hear the fairy tale, leading to her learning the language itself, plus Engish help her said the unsaid thing. Most of her thought are actually in English. She is no fluent but can manage simple conversation. Her English are better in writing.


looks are everything


ulzzang name: Lee Da Som

pics: 01  02  03  04  05

backup girl name: Park Hyo Jin

pics: 01  02  03

i'll be stunting in: She prefer cloth that is simple and comfy. Her kind of colour would range from white, soft blue, grey and black. She do wear other colour but on certain occasion only. Jinri prefer pant over skirt any days. She is dressed in sort of boyish way but still inserting bit or girliness in someway. Always seen in white t-shirt, grey jeans and black sneaker.

height: 163 cm

weight: 50 kg



 its just me


stage prescence: In crowd, she tend to put indifferene facade because she feel insecure. By being indifference and acting sort of Ice Princess, she try to show that she ain’t affected. When rapping, she gave out this aura “Imma cool and couldn’t care less”. She is comfortable rapping in English because she get to say out loud what she keep inside. In interview, she is not one to talk much.


back from fairy-land: At home, she is actually an awkward person who doesn’t know how to show that she actually care especially when someone cry. You can vent to her about anything but romance because there is no way on Earth she will reveal her thought about that one subject. Ask her anything, she’ll try to come up with solution. Anything but romance.  But, if you catch her offguard, you’ll probably knew her thought about romance. A bit like her stage persona, she is actually quiet and shy. She prefer staying in the side line and out of lime light.  So, she rather sit back and enjoys the others being guffball (she might even join them). She do what she was asked to do. Pretty much one to follow without complaining. She prefer going with the flow. Always one to follow, but will lead if needed.  Most of the time, Jinri are one to be a pacifier if there were to happen any fight or bickering. In  a fight, she tend to be the level headed one. She is better off without pointless drama mindset.  Since she can cook, naturally it became her thing to cook for the other.


oh, this is easy: If she hates a person, then the person would probably never knew how she will act, because when she hates a person, she would just avoid meeting the said person. To her, there is no point getting work up hating a person more than she aready did. Avoiding mean she can save herself from severe rage moment and heartache. But, if she happen to meet them or force too, she will try her best to act profesional eventhough deep in her mind, she was doing all the unspoken thing to the person. She will try to tolerate them until some points. Until she blow off.


never catch me like this: When she likes someone, she act uninterested around that person, not that she usually care enough about the other. When interacting with her object of adoration, she would act I couldn’t careless. She will do anything to make it like “Oh.. It’s just you my crush.. Mkay.. bye”. There is no way on Earth that she will ever confess she likes him or show any hint indicating her feelings. Crush only known by her and will be end by her only.


hate it or love it.


likes: Grape&berry- there is just something that always make her smile, books-reading allow her to escape the reality-she found solace, escapism, camera-she love whoever invented them, black coffee-with lotS of sugar, Yuu-her pet cat, cooking-anything but baking, The Little Mermaid tale,


dislikes: Balloon-she gets angsty around them, Math period-life isn’t about calculation, her driving teacher- she have this urge to ask him, “Do you talk fluenty right after you were born?”, orange juice-no real reason, skinships-can't stand it, told to do aegyo-she just can't, doing laundry,


favorites: blue || Artificial Inteligence || M&M || sleeping || cooking show || Ouran High School Host Club


hates: Catterpillar with a passion.


habits: When bored, she played with her  finger. Will act out anything she could think of. If you get her to talk, she’ll talk like a chatter box on loose and her face will get red as in RED. It’s a funny scene seeing her being loose, not the uptight person she put on. She reads anything literally-from books to food nutrition information on food package


hobbies: reading-she loves rom-com the most but read another genre too so that people wouldn’t know bout her romantic side, photography-photo stay still though people change, running-her escapism besides books, writing-done in complete secret. She wrote her own fairy tale.



She can’t swim to save her life.

Sleep without pillow. Instead she sleep on Patrick plushie.

She doesn’t cover her feet when sleeping.

She absolutely fail with anything that involve baking.

Only ate one dish at a time eventhough there is this whole spread of dishes in front her.

Have seafood allergy but still eat them anyway.

When eating M&M, blue will be the last one to be eaten.


what is your stage name: Genie

why did you pick it:I have always love blue and Aladin’s jinn was named as Genie and he is blue. And my nickname is Jinnie. They almost sound the same.

what position do you want: Main Rapper 2, Sub Dancer, Sub Vocal

why: Because I can’t do any of these. So.. I want my OC to do it for me instead..


what are her best attributes: Jinri has umma-like vibe though she deny it. People come to her to ask her about anything, whether it's school work, family problem, games, cooking tips, health and even pet problem. All but love problem has been answered by her. People would say that she's pretty much their own personal psychiatrist.


what are her worst attributes: Jinri doesn't like it when she gave out those advice. She feels fake. Because it was all talk for her. She tell people what to do, but she herself didn't do what she say.


what are her insecurities: She is insecure about her looks. How can she not. And she is also insecure about how to act in front other. Wheter to talk her real opinion or just follow the crowd so that she wouldn't face any unnecessary drama. She is afraid to let the real her out in case people think she is annoying. So she put on quiet persona. Always seeming like she doesn't care about people.


what does she do to cheer herself up: She is pretty much her own motivator. Because she read, her mind are pretty much shape up from all of her reading. To cheer her up, she would tell herself to look at the brigther side of thing. She will reason that, that everything happen for a reason and sometimes, it is fine if she does not know. If all her pep talk still doesn't work, she will go out for running or just a walk.


what makes her upset: When Mom tell her to be like Oppa and Dad never call her when she goes to oversea for a competition she attend while he would call Minhee almost every hour when she only went out to downtown. And she feel upset when she realize that she is upset again because of these kind of situation.


what makes her angry: It actually take a LOT to make her angry. It’s not like she is a patient person but she just hold in a lot longer. But, she is really scary if she get angry. Oh by the way, you don’t want to be in front her if her sleep get disturbed.


remember your roots


family members:


          Kang Jisook & Lee Hyunae|| 49, 46 || parent || Jinri and her parent are on a good term. She loves them but sometime, her heart ache because of them. Daddy prefer little Minnie without him realizing, always seeing Minnie as little girl that need to be protected and adore. Mom is proud of eldest Hyunwoo, her high achiever son.


          Kang Hyunwoo || 23 || older brother || Oppa knew her little situation but there is nothing he can actually do other than offer her comfort.


          Kang Minhee || 16 || younger sister || Minnie felt for her Unnie and just like oppa, all she can do is keep being a brat to her.


this made me: She came from well to do family. Not rich nor poor. Her father is a teacher while her mother work as nurse. Her brother is now in his final year in med school. He is an aspiring doctor-to-be. Her sister is still in art school. She is the apple of the family. Jinri is the middle sibling between the three. Being the middle one always make her the object of comparison. With her brother being on his way to becoming a successful doctor, Jinri is expect to follow the same path. Hyunwoo used to be top student in his school and this make Mom think Jinri should be one too. "Look at your Oppa, he is so good. You should work harder. Like him."  Minhee is the beautiful one among the two girl. The cute one with aegyo on full blast. Plus, she is the youngest. She will always be Daddy's little girl. She can't do nothing wrong. What to expect when Jinri can't be more girlier than she did. "Minnie is so cute. She text me this cute message just because she fail her Math test. Aigoo ya.. This girl." Although Jinri knew her parents doesn't mean to actually compare her, deep down she is actually hurt. She did her best at school, yet, her oppa achievement shine brigther. She cook Daddy favourite bulgogi dish for his birthday, yet Minnie half burn ramyun taste the best. Jinri doesn't mean to feel jealous, but, being jaded in the middle is not something she fond of either.


this is my fairy tail: She graduate from school with average achievement. There is some A's and B's (C for Math) in her result,  and it is actually good enough for her to enter university. Back in school days, she face no problem such as bullying or being bullied. She have her own close circle of friends- consist of boys and girls. Two of her friend are actually the school model student- the kind who ace every exams and the other one is the school sweetheart- all male population object of adoration. In school, most people pretty much knew her eventhough she doesn't know them. They will greet her or smile at her when meeting at hallway or anywhere. She doesn't really mind other because she thinks she is invisible what with being shadowed by her two popular friend. Allthough friends with the IT, Jinri is her own self. She doesn't gloat about her friend nor she treat other rubbish. She prefer to blend in. Though claim as BFF with her circle, Jinri sometimes found she prefer no company. That being alone is better. She sometimes feels she is all alone although surounded by people. She has a fair share of admirer and guys who want to court her. Despite always dreaming about her prince charming, she never accept any of the offer. She thinks they never really like her for who she is, but because who she is friend with. To her, how can people like her when she has school sweetheart for bestfriend. Even if that is not the reason, she just think it was just a joke. Or just a dare. No boys would like plain her, right?


this is how i became a princess: When visiting oppa in Seoul, Jinri went out for a little exploring by herself when she discover about the audition. Acting out of whimp, she went in. And got accepted.


it wasn't your average fairy tale: Trainee days was slightly a bit better than home. Not that home is like hell. At least, in dorm Jinri could work her skill without being compare. Yeah.. She get scold from time to time, but, it's a different feeling. Whilst at home she get lecture to be more like oppa, at dorm, she get lecture to work harder for things she really love which make it better. A lot better. Trainee days are hell because of all of those training. But, it is worth it.


I spent 4 years in hell, just for this moment.


this is my fairy tale



this is my prince: Kim Himchan


he's not exactly charming: Himchan is well.. A guffball that's complete opposite of her.. In front of other, Himchan is known as the happy guy who seems like he has nothing to worry on. He loves joking around and make people laugh with his body gag and being flip flop. But, nobody know that behind those happy face, lies a person who is actually insecure. He always doubt himself whether he is being good enough as son, friend, student and trainee. He is afraid to tell people that he do feel sad too sometimes. But, he never have gut to do it because he doesn't want to burden the other. Hence, that smiley front every single day. Honestly, all he really want is just an ear to listen to all of his rant. He doesn't wish for them to help him out, but he just need someone to listen.


and it wasn't love at first sight: It is never love at first sight. We first met in the middle of nowhere. And keep meeting accidentally from time to time. Through the course of years. No feeling attach. We first met literally in the middle of nowhere because though it wasn't Jinri first time visiting Seoul, that doesn't make her a master either. She left her aunt's home to go for some walk with her parents consent when she stumble into the playground. She doesn't know where she was at and how she came there in the first place. Not one to panic, Jinri thought she should probably sit around for a while and enjoy the air before figuring her way home. Plus, it was her reason to go out in the first place. As much as she love her oppa, her heart just couldn't take it today. Mom and aunt keep praising oppa and tell her how she should follow oppa. She need to go out. Oppa gives her a knowing look before she went out. Opting for the swing, Jinri slowly swing herself until she litteraly fly into air resulting a big hearty laugh from him. Himchan. Himchan was feeling grave that day. More than he usually did. Juggling life between trainee and school sort of wear him out. He feel so tired. Tired that he think he need to stop. Not that he is gonna bail out from any of it. He want this himself. To be an idol. But he is so tired today. He think, he need to stop. For today. And that is when he found her. He join her and start swinging his. She doesn't mind him nor does he. They swing for a while before finally coming to a stop. "I'm tired" was his first word. She just stilled at that. As if willing him to continue. "I'm so tired that I want to cry" "Then cry"


and we act kind of like: We start as stranger and sort of become friends. Actually, scracth that friend part. We never really be friend. It's more like I-don't-know-you-much-and-we-aren't-even-friend-but-i-think-i-understand-your-issue. We share each other problem. Close enough to understand the most private/sensitive issue but not familiar enough to know each other birthday. We are comfortable with each other without telling. Only in front each other that we(think) allow ourself to surpress the real we. The feeling came when? None of us knew. Feeling have the most unexpected timing ever. That is said. After we found out(if we really did) about the feeling, there's no different changes in our way of interacting. Infact, we now sort of working in the same wavelength.


scene requests?: Erm.. Nothing really came to me.. So.. Yeah.. Sorry..-_-“



i'll tell it how I want to.

anything else? Questions, comments, concerns? Did I miss anything? before you ask. hwangmimi basically did this whole thing for me. I didn't plagarize or anything, I'm just bad at codes and this magical concept called patience and not killing things when my computer shuts off after hours of work and I didn't save. seriously i flipped tables three times before she did this for me.


I’m just hoping my App are not that long.. And confusing.. Sorry for any grammar of spelling error.. And so sorry that my app doesn't stay the same as the real format. I don't know what has happen.. It is so my mistake.


THANK YOU.. Author-nim.


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