I Stole This From Unnie

Because unnie asked so nicely...

1. How did you get into fanfiction?

Well, my friend made me edit her horrific grammar errors in her fanfic she wrote and this is also how I got into SNSD. 

2. Your first OTP?

Oh geez I don't even know but for all intents and purposes we'll just keep this kpop related so YoonYul.

3. How embarassing is your first fic?

I don't talk about it ever at all I read it a few weeks ago and I started crying because it was so bad. I was so iliterate like no.

4. Weirdest word you have used in your fics?

Any name for organizations that I ever come up with like they're all so bad why don't I just use 'Such and Such Mafia'...the hell kind of name is Eros or Zark like really brain do we need to have another discussion about your creativity?

5. How many words do you usually aim for each chapter?

Between 2,000 and 5,000 I don't like going over 5k because it seems too excessive.

6. How often a week do you write fanfiction?

Whenever the gods of AP classes decide that I don't have a massive amount of homework, I try to write every night but sometimes that just doesn't work out.

7. Something you wish other authors would/wouldn't do?


8. Ever thought of leaving the fanfiction world?

I left for a few months because of school and lack of ideas but then I came back with my newest fic and it's the longest I've ever stuck with a fic.

9. Do you have real-life, personal experiences in your fics?

I model a lot of my characters after certain aspects of my personality, like Tiffany in my ongoing. I have her emulate my incapability of properly expressing emotions but really caring about the other person even if it doesn't show. 

10. Story comment that you remember clearly?

For one of my earlier fics I used to do this thing at the end of chapters where I would just write a bunch of random questions at the end and never really answer them. I should start doing that again, but for a different story that I had worked on where I didn't do random questions one of the commentors did and it made me happy~

11. What type of readers do you dislike the most?

The readers where their comment is a basic plot summary of the chapter. I know what I wrote I don't need you to tell me.

12. OTP you don't understand people shipping?

Normally I would say taeny but I understand why people ship it. But I'm going to answer this with Gyuri and anyone who isn't Sunghee. There is no other Gyuri pairing in existence all of these pairings are false. SungRi for life okay.

13. How has fanfiction improved your writing skills?

I had like a really dramatic shift in my writing capabilities when I got to high school because that was when I started reading fanfiction and simultaenously enrolled in a journalism class. I learned more about writing from reading and being a hardass on other people's works(in my head of course) than I ever did in any of my English classes.

14. Favourite authors?

Myself obv. No really like I don't really like other authors enough for them to be considered favorites. So I'll just pick an author of literary merit; Ayn Rand. I'm currently reading The Fountainhead and it is like one of the best books I've ever read because I'm not bored by it.

15. What do you like the most about writing fanfiction?

Being a sadistic and making my readers suffer from angst overloads.It's my specialty I love it so much. It's like a vent for me and I'm able to get out all of the day's stress and pent up aggression into making characters suffer and in turn readers suffer.


There Unnie I did it are you happy?

This is my first blog post ever I feel so fancy. For reading this I think you deserve Lion Pup


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But don't you ship Gyuri/BoA???
*rolls eyes*
You are a totalt narcissistic hard-*ss, but that's why your our fearless leader!!!
*grabby hands*
I WANT THE PUPPY.... NAO!!!!!!!!
hwhai crai wit turrible gramhur
more like an interview~ haha!