Application For Estrella


Stage name: Yao-yao

Birth name: Lee Min Yao

D.O.B: September 1, 1997

Position: Rapper/Vocal/Actress

Ethnicity: Korean

Picture of how you want to look:


Personality: Lee Min Yao or Yao-yao is a girl who looks cute and aegyo-ish but she really is tough and head-strong. She's can be very predictable especially when it comes to this four emotions: Joy, Anger, Sadness and Envy. Whenever she is Angry or in a mood to disagree, she will smile slightly and answer you in a really soft voice. If she's Happy/Joy, she's smile all by herself making everyone around her wonder why she's smiling. Is she's sad, she stays in one corner and rebukes anyone who ask's 'what's wrong' and when she's Enviouse, she starts talking alot about boring topics like the weather.

She is really a hard-working girl to. Whenever it's time to practice she never stops until she is happy about the way she exicutes it. This happens so much she sometimes forget to eat and you have to drag her out of the practice room. On the first meeting, she will be really quiet and only speaks her mind when you ask her. But when you are friends with her, she can win in any arguement against you. For short: She has a strong personality.



Singing to herself

Whistling Christmas songs to herself when she's alone

Watching funny movies, shows or homemade video on YouTube

Painting fruits

Reading Classical Books



Bites her pinky nail before they shoot MV, do a show or appear on TV

Kicks anyone who is beside her (when she sleeps)

Saying 'fudge' when she's surprised



People who are true to themselves

Anything colored blue


Jane Austin (author)


Walking around the park (especially on cool summer nights)



People who are loud in restoraunts


People who hurts animals

Lies (and people WHO lie)

People who teases her about her expression "Fudge" (it's okay if your friends, but if your not..)



Sibling: Lee Donghea (Super Junior)


Love Interest: Min Woo (from Boyfriend)



Lee Young-ea (mother)

Lee Gikwang (father)


Childhood friend: Neil from Teen Top


Languages:(up to 6)





Rivals: Sui (Chi Chi)

Training duration: 3 Years


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