
So, I've been wanting to do a blog post like this for a while now since a friend of mine and I sometimes have conversations about this topic from time to time. She sometimes agrees with me but most of the time doesn't...

I guess I just want to find out if anyone else agrees with me on some of these look-a-likes in Kpop or if I'm on my own on these.

Keep in mind that these are all just my personal opinion and I don't wish to get bashed if you disagree with me. If you don't agree with me then you can tell me, just don't bash, okay?

Also, I'm open to other peoples opinions. Maybe I missed some idols that you might think resemble each other. Keep in mind that I don't know every idol so there's only a few.

Also, this post only involves male idols that I think resemble each other so sorry if you're looking for female idols >.<

Anyway, onto the look-a-like idols (in my opinion)








I'll start of with two pairs of people who obvious look alike... The reason for why they look so alike? They're twins XD


Youngmin & Kwangmin [Boyfriend]

Soryong & Daeryong [Tasty]








Now for the none related idols who I think look a like XD


Let's start with these two good looks guys (my personal biases from their respective groups)


L [Infinite]

L.Joe [Teen Top]

Reason?: To be honest, I have never understood why I think the two look a like. These two are one of the pairs that my friend disagrees with me with a passion over. I don't know if it's their eyes and facial shape or if it's just that their stage names are similar as well. I often find that people who have L as a bias in Infinite also have L.Joe as their bias in Teen Top. Whatever the reason, they do look similar to me at times. [ Key from SHINee also looks similar to them in my opinion at time].








Jongup [B.A.P]

Himchan [B.A.P]

Reason?: I swear, when I was first getting into B.A.P and putting names to faces, these two boys were playing mind games with me or something. To the point where I convinced they were twins who had been seperated at birth. I can't be the only one who thought this. My friend also had trouble telling the two apart. These days I have learned to differentiate the two but it took me longer than usual.








Zelo [B.A.P]

Sungjong [Infinite]

Reason?: Their facial expressions at times do look similar in my opinion. I haven't seen anybody else mention this and my friend didn't see at first either but after focusing on them while watching clips of them in their respective groups, she did begin to see that they shared some similarities. I mostly see it they're both laughing but it might just be me.








Zelo [B.A.P] again

G-Dragon [Big Bang]

Reason?: Have you seen these two? Everyday I am becoming more and more convinced that Zelo is GD's and TOP's lovechild. Even their rapping styles sounds similar. I have seen some people seeing the similarities of GD and Zelo but I'm not sure if they see it in their facial expressions or if they're just refering to their rapping. Does anyone see the similarities? (Besides the rawr-some hairstyles).








Jonghyun [SHINee]


JR [Nu'Est]

Reason?: Okay, I'll admit that I never saw a similarity between the two until I watched Nu'Est's music video 'Not Over You'. Then I was all like 'When did Jonghyun join Nu'Est?'. Even their freaking names are the same. In my opinion their smiles and facial shapes are alike. What do you think?








Sungyeol [Infinite]

Jung Kyungho [Actor]

Reason?:When Infinite first debuted I immediately saw the resemblence. I think their smiles are a lot alike as well as their facial shape. I haven't mentioned this similarity to my friend since her bias in Infinite happens to be Sungyeol and if she doesn't agree, all hell will break lose. What do you think? Do they look a like or are my eyes decieveing me?








Onew [SHINee] & Daesung [Big Bang]

Reason?: I know for a fact that I'm not the only who has noticed the similarities between SHINee's Onew and Big Bang's Daesung. It's their smile, nose, smiling eyes, facial shape, cheekbones. They just look alike, period.







Heechul [Super Junior] * Taemin [SHINee]

Reason?: Another pair that are widely knowns for looking alike. Just their facial expressions at time, when showed alongside each other, they look like an older and younger brother. At first I didn't notice it since I've never been the observent type but then after seeing a comment about the two a few year back I was blown away by how much the two can look a like at times.







Junho [2PM] & Rain [Solo/Actor]

Reason?: A lot of people have recognized that these two look a like. To the point where Junho actually got bashed for it because some people thought he had plastic surgery to look like Rain. Because I'm not one of those people, they are on this list. Their eyes are their main similarity but they also look alike in other aspects as well. 







Jinyoung [B1A4] & Joon [MBLAQ]

Reason?: Do I really need to clarifies why these two are on the list Like the macro says, 'I C NO DIFFERENCE'







Well that's it so far. Are there any idols on the list that you agree with? Disagree with? Any that you feel I missed?

Let me know your opinions in the comment section XD

Until next time



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VIXX's N (in the Rock Your Body MV) and BTOB's Sungjae look alike. And they both look like Seo In Guk (the singer/actor). That's something I've noticed lately. :9