The Romantic & Idol ♡ Application

The Romantic & Idol ♡ App Form









Everything about you~!

Username: sakuramimi 

Profile link: click!

How can I contact you?: PM ^^

How much do you go online?: Pretty much all the time. 


Character Information~!

Full Name: Lee Jaeyoon

Nickname: LJ

Age: 22

Birthdate: 24/05/1990

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea.

Ethnicity: Full Korean.

Blood type: A

Ulzzang name + picture links: Baek Sumin | 1 2 3 4

Back-up Ulzzang name + picture links: Park Sora | 1 2 3



Overall personality: 

Jaeyoon has an unusual personality. She has a bit of a bipolar personality. One moment she can be smiling brightly, and acting bubbly, cheerful and happy, and the next she can be quiet, solemn and secretive. Living the life she has, it’s not surprising she has this sort of personality. She is a highly secretive girl who refuses to tell anyone she does not know anything about her. She is not good at socialising very well, but when she befriends someone, she can always have as much fun as possible with them. Her true self shows when she is with a truly good friend, because she is always bubbly, bright, and smiling until her cheeks can barely take it. She is the type of girl to force back her emotions when in front of people, because she does not like to make others worry.

Jaeyoon is someone who will hide herself when she cries, or is upset in general. While she likes to be cared for, she does not like people asking ‘are you alright’, because she sees it as a sign of worry. Making people worry about her is one of Jaeyoon’s biggest habits, yet one of her most hated traits. During her confinement, her grandmother worried herself sick. While she still recovered, Jaeyoon never got over the guilt of making her grandmother that worried.

One thing that sticks to Jaeyoon like glue is guilt. She has guilt carried on her shoulders, and has had it there for years. She felt guilty that her mother died, because as she was young then, she felt that she was to blame, and still believed that no matter how much her grandmother and friends told her otherwise. Guilt is a main aspect of Jaeyoon’s personality, and something she will never be able to get rid of.

Jaeyoon loves to play video games. The fun-loving side of her personality turned her into a big gamer girl, and she knows all the popular games, like Zelda, Pokémon, Call of Duty, and others. Her favourite game in the world is Pokémon. She could play Pokémon all day every day. Her favourite pastime is to play video games, and when she is not practicing or rehearsing, you will most likely find her sitting holding either her Nintendo DS or an xbox controller. Her games and games consoles are her most treasured possessions, aside from the photograph of her, her mother and her father. 

Jaeyoon is also very, very soft hearted. If she watches a movie with even the simplest of sad moments, she will be crying floods. Her most favourite drama is Heartstrings, which she watched over and over, and cried every time.

In summary, Jaeyoon is bipolar, but the majority of the time she is happy, bubbly and smiling so much her face can’t take it. A lot of the time she will go into sudden moments of depression, but she will not stay with people while depressed, due to her paranoia of people worrying over her. Her personality is not fixed, nor will it ever be, but she is a different girl that people don’t easily forget once they know her.




-video games

-scary movies

-hot chocolate


-healthy food




-bad hair days





-frilly clothes




-poetry writing



-fear of thunder

-fear of clowns

-plays with clothing when nervous

-if someone tells a joke she doesn’t get, she laughs awkwardly


Your ideal type~!

Ideal type: 

Quite tall with a cute smile, and a sweet eye smile. He doesn't act like a jerk just because he's famous, he's still kind, and funny too. He doesn't mind messing around and acting childish every now and again, and isn't afraid of tarnishing his reputation by being seen with me. Someone who isn't a total player just because, again, they're famous. He would be loyal and loving to his girlfriend, and wouldn't go seeing other girls behind her back. A guy who wouldn't mind curling up together to watch a movie or play a video game. 


Nearest idol to your ideal type:

Lee Minhyuk {BTOB}


What you don't like:

-When guys burp a lot

-Doesn’t like her for anything but her looks.

-Someone who likes seriously making fun of her.

-Someone who is always disrespecting her.


-Arrogant behaviour

-A guy who can’t play video games [not major]


Idol/s that you like to be in the show: 

Minhyuk {BTOB}, Jonghyun {CNBlue}, Donghae {Super Junior}


Do you fall in love easily?: 

No. Jaeyoon has a bit of trust issues, so she doesn’t fall in love quite so easily.


Do you get jealous easily?:

No. If ever in a situation where she might feel jealous, she doesn’t because she just accepts it, thinking she was never good enough in the first place. It lowers her self-esteem however.

Do you get heartbroken easily?:
No. Jaeyoon has had a lot happen, so she’s stronger than she used to be, and rarely nobody can get close enough to her that when he/she goes, it leaves Jaeyoon heartbroken.


What will you do if you're brokenhearted?:

Jaeyoon will most likely go somewhere alone to cry for some time, and think things over by herself. She would try to forget as best she could whatever it was that made her heartbroken in the first place, and eventually she will get over it.


How do you act when you are in love?:

Jaeyoon has never been in love, but if she were to be, she would act quite coy and nervous, because she wouldn’t be sure on what to say or do.


Ideal meeting: 

Jaeyoon bumps into him when he is trying to escape a crowd of fangirls in the street after he lost the other members of his group. She was just walking home, trying not to get into trouble on the way. Seeing his problem, Jaeyoon helps him get away from the fangirls, and to say thank you, he takes her to a café, whilst still trying to keep away from prying eyes. 


The Unwanted~!

Password: Lee Taemin

Any requested scenes?: 

I’d love a scene where Jaeyoon is alone on a balcony during the night, looking up at the stars and thinking about things, because she could not sleep, and then he comes from behind and wraps his arms around her, rests his head against hers and it goes from there.


Comments & Suggestions: I hope you like my character author-nim! ^^ hwaiting with the story!



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