The Romantic & Idol ♡ (Zen Tashina) Application!


The Romantic & Idol ♡ App Form





Everything about you~!

Username: LeeHyeRi-ah

Profile link: Click

How can I contact you?: PM me would do or tweet me @Fellysher

How much do you go online?: Often at times.


Character Information~!

Full Name:

  • Zen Tashina


  • Zenny 


  • 17


  • 31/12/96


  • Germany


  • German Japanese

Blood type:

  • A

Ulzzang name + picture links: 

Han Bom


Back-up Ulzzang name + picture links:

- Kang Sura

 1 | 2 | 3 | 5




Overall personality:

You could say that Zen is a little tomboy-ish but that is pretty much her exterior personality. That's because people judge her base on her outer appearance. She is more lady like than anyone actually thinks. She is actually gentle and very sweet especially to people who she care for. She just love being super friendly to people because of the way she was brought up by her parent.
Unlike most stuck ups, she is more open minded and tolerantShe can tolerate nonsense for a long period of time but if you really piss her off she wouldn't hesitate to give you a piece of her mind and with her mind she could do anything she can think of, perhaps landing a fist onto your face. She's pretty much open to questions, ideas, advice and would consider them carefully before deciding. However, the one usually giving sage advices, asking questions and ideas.
She's super trustworthy and can be very reliable when you need her to give you a helping hand. She may be a little to chittery chattery but you can trust her to keep your darkest secrets that's because she respects people's privacy and would like the others to do the same if she were to tell a secret. You can rely on her to keep your secrets and trust her whole heartedly. (Plus she loves juicy secrets. So, just spill the beans.)
She is very supportive and caring to the people around her, perhaps due to her upbringing. She is pretty much like an umma because she is usually the one doing the house chores, cooking and stuffs. She supports her friends and family and cares for them like a mother would.
She can be a little perhaps VERY Aegyo-istic but she can be very charismatic when she wants to. She maybe a little tomboy-ish or so but deep down inside her heart lies a very child like aegyo-istic person. She loves doing aegyo especially when it comes to things that she thinks that needs aegyo to take care of, like going out having bubbletea. 
She may be the only person whom you see everyday with a smile on her face even when she is sick, injured or dead tired. She would always smile to remind herself that she is training hard for her dreams and treat her parents to a nice holiday.
She is completely driven and hardworking. She will complete everything in time even homework  even when time is short. She will accomplish everything that is needed to be done even if it means staying up late till wee hours because she believes firmly in doing things on time and giving it on time.


  • Reading
  • Singing
  • learning new languages
  • Bunnies
  • Anime
  • Manga
  • Music
  • Her guitar
  • Study hard and play hard
  • Volleyball
  • Cooking


  • Gothic Novels
  • Annoying people
  • Bullies
  • Smoking
  • People leaving all the house chores to her



  • Strumming her guitar
  • Coming up with new lyrics
  • Collecting stuff toy bunnies
  • Playing with her pet bunny
  • Cooking
  • Drawing



- Helping people in times of needs in.

- She loves doing "bbuing bbuing" to cheer up the people around her.

- She has the tendancy to correct people's mistake at certain point of time but she does it because it's good for them.

- She love to give people around her a fun time as she would never like to see a frown on someone face

- Practicing and perfecting her singing skills.


- She has a huge tendancy of poking her lips when she is shy or nervous.

- Dazing off whenever someone gives a lecture.

- Waking up to early in the morning to start practicing and having a huge headache at the later part of the day.

- Buying a bunny stuff toy whenever she sees one.

- poking her pet bunny at the .


Your ideal type~!

Ideal type: 

  • A guy who may seem like a ice cold prince but has a soft spot and behaves almost like a child when he wants to. He who has a tendancy to make bad jokes for her to laugh and would always shows respect and care for the people he cares the most. A guy who loves anime and manga as much as she do and has that killer eye smile and smile to melt her heart. A guy who takes the girl seriously and make her HIS girl and not toying around with feelings.

Nearest idol to your ideal type:

  • EXO-K's Kai

What you don't like: 

  • Guys who only cares about appearance of a girl.
  • Guys who are extremely vain.
  • Guys who make her feel disgusted
  • Guys who demand for
  • Guys who does things which are not pleasing to anyone in general.
  • Guys who uses girls as a bait to gain another girl's attention.


Idol/s that you like to be in the show: 

  • EXO-K's Kai
  • B.A.P's DaeHyun
  • Infinite's L

Do you fall in love easily?:

Not really. She's a tough nut to crack because she focus so much in her studies and activities, she has barely time to look for love so she's a tough nut to crack. But if the person gave her a bad impression, she would try not to be so close to the person as he may give her a very bad influence but if the person gave her a good impression, she would try her very best to be as close to the person as she could. So it all really depends on the person.

Do you get jealous easily?: 

She gets jealous easily from time to time, depending on the situation itself. If he was the type of person who would rather hang out with his friends than her, she would get jealous of his friends. However, if he really treats her as HIS girl and whenever girl's asked for his number, she would not get as jealous as she knows very well that he has her in his mind and heart.

Do you get heartbroken easily?:

She gets heartbroken easily as she had once experience a heart wrenching moment which leads to why she focused too much on her studies and other activities rather than love. She has difficulty believing in love.

What will you do if you're brokenhearted?:

She would normally go to the library and hide in one corner and stuff herself with brain wrecking mathematical problems so that she gets distracted from the pain her heart is experiencing or she would always go somewhere rather deserted to play her guitar and sing to herself so that noone would listen to her silent tears.

How do you act when you are in love?:

She would be shy initially as she tries to be as close to the guy as possible. She may even start considering falling in love isn't a bad thing after all and would do anything for love because she is a loyal lover.

Ideal meeting: 

  • The first meeting would be something like the JoonSeo couple in WGM

The Unwanted~!

Password: Kim Jong In aka KAI

Any requested scenes?:

Could there be one scene where he actually accidentally breaks her heart but tries he's very best to do everything to mend that broken heart by finding her in the thunder storm at a park or anywhere else deserted where she usually goes to play her guitar and sing to herself?

Could there also be another scene where he dances for her only and claim to  the whole world that she was his and nobody else?

The rest is up to you where you surprise me with your imagination ;)

Comments & Suggestions: Good luck in your fanfic! I had fun filling in everything in here! I hope I get a spot as this is my first time applying for this kind of app.

Questions: Aniyo~







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