A adventure to get a box + some old pictures of me

Okay im just looking at random pictures on my camera.And then I was thinking "hmmmmm im gonna go

look at the pictures on Dylan's camera".So I asked Dylan for his camera and he told me it was in our

room,in the closet and in a blue box.So I went to the room into the closet and found the box.But it was all

the way up on the top shelf, so I tiped toed to reach it, grabbed handle, pulled it out and

then................BAM Taco(my dog/son) comes running into closet and hit the door with his face.When I saw

that he had hit himself,I let go of the box and went down to make sure he was okay,but then the box fell

down and hit me in the head.And was like "OWWWWWWWWWWWWW THAT HURT", but Taco was okay

though.So then I got up,took the box,opened it, and took the camera out.I quickly ran to my computer

chair and the camera.And guess what Dylan had on his camera XD...He had two pictures of me

from behind and I was like"Youuu Stalker XD",I checked the date and it was june/6/2012. But DAMNNN I




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