(`♕between aliens and gangsters) - Ice Angel | Song Aerin

(Ice Angel) (Song Aerin)
sorry for the ya know, foul language of picture.
username; k-rst-n
   what do you want to be called?; Kirston
   activity rate; 8
character name; Song Aerin
birthday; 01/21/94
age; 18
birthplace; Seoul, South Korea
hometown; Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity; Korean
languages; Korean; fluent, English; learning
diving deeper.
ulzzang name; Ahn Sukyung
backup ulzzang; Baek Su Min
personality; Aerin is colder than iceHer glare can freeze anyone's blood. People say it's her secret weapon, and that's probably true. She never smiles and her face is never without her signature glare and scowl. Her fierce eyes and frown are permanent features on her face, and everyone knows it. It's a strange day when she actually looks nice and not mean (she can never be classified as friendly, it's just something about her that makes that classification wrong), but that's only when she lets her guard down and her scowl is wiped off.
She's a very quiet person. She doesn't speak unless she needs too. But when she finds a reason too speak up, whether it be about something wrong or just because you annoy her, her words will leave your jaw hanging. She can be quite y and vicious when she wants too, though most of the time she'd rather stay put and be silent. When she needs to say something, more often than not, she'll use her eyes to tell you. If she's warning you to not go any further, she'll glare at you. If she wants you to get something for her, she'll look at you, look at the item, and then nod back at you.
She doesn't like to talk, and instead she likes to people watchObserving people is her thing. Aerin takes note of others' habits, likes and dislikes, and just notices the little things about them. It catches people off guard when she spouts off information even they didn't know about themselves. Since she's so subtle and discreet about it, no one ever notices that she's basically evaluating them in her mind. She might look like she's just staring at you or maybe even look like she's staring into space, but she's definitely checking you out, and not in the way you want her too, either.
She likes to listen to other people talk. Even if they're talking about nothing. Somehow, just listening to other people talk, even if it's about themselves, calms her. It relaxes her because she isn't pressure to say or do anything and she can just listen. Plus, if they talk about themselves, she can learn more about them. Listening to others talk is also one way her panic attacks can be calmed. Others' voices relaxes her and calms her down.
Aside from never talking in general, when she does talk, it's never about her past. Her past and background is a mystery because she never mentions even anything about. To everyone else, her parents might as well be dead and she could've come from some exotic island for all they know. Her gang members only know bits and pieces of the her background, like the fact her parents are divorced and that her dad left her. Everything else is a mystery. She also never tells her mother anything. Not like her mom would care. Aerin comes and goes and her mother never asks her what's she's been doing or where she's been.Along with being mysterious, she is reserved and independent, she's known to not rely on anyone but herself. That's her weakness. She hates asking for help and will do everything by herself, even if it kills her.
There's a reason why she's the lead fighter. Having won many martial arts competitions when she was younger, she is quite a pro at fighting. Even though she was always taught never to fight without a reason, she disregards that rule now completely. She won't hesitate to take you down if need be. When Aerin is angry and you're the cause of her anger, she'll have you on your knees begging for mercy in less than ten seconds. Fighting is not beneath her, nor will it ever be. She can, and will, do anything she needs to apprehend you if she deems you a threat.
There's also a reason why she's called the brain. She's extremely gifted, and thus is extremely smart. That's not exactly surprising, considering her wealthy background. Having been to a school that put so much emphasis on academics, it's a no brainer that Aerin would benefit from that. And since she can basically remember anything (thanks to her photogenic memory), she's the go to girl for information. 
People have to earn her trust. Aerin has had trust issues ever since she found out her parents never really loved each other, and she doesn't just trust anyone. It's very hard for her to give someone her trust, and once they earn it, they better keep, or else she'll never believe them again. When she meets people, automatically, they're deemed untrustworthy. And unless they do something to prove to her that they're a good person, she'll keep an eye on them to make sure they're really who they say they are.
background; Aerin was a happy girl. Key word being was. That all changed when her parents divorced and her mom became an alcoholic. That was what changed her whole life around.
When Aerin was born, her parents were the most two loving people in the world. Up until the age of 13, Aerin was brought up by two of the most caring and loving parents. They were perfect in ever way. Or so she thought. Underneath all the smiles and the laughs, her parents were broken. They fought all of the time, they were just careful not to do it in front of Aerin. Ever night, after the two of them tucked Aerin into bed with goodnight kisses and hugs, her mom would lock herself in her room with a bottle of alcohol while her dad would go sleep on the couch, each other them not talking to each other until Aerin woke up in the morning. Then, when Aerin was awake and expecting her parents to be deeply in love with each other, the two would kiss each other and say sweet words to each, but only because they were pretending for the sake of Aerin.
Her parents were rich, but not because of any hard work. No, her father just inherited a lot of money from some dead relative of his. Because of that, Aerin usually was given the best of everything. She was given the best clothing, the most expensive toys, and was sent to the most exclusive school. That's how she's so smart today, and why she's such a good fighter. The school prided itself on producing the most intelligent students, thus, academics was it's main point. Aerin was always known as the smartest girl in the class. Aside from being an academically driven school, it also prided itself on being a diverse school, which meant that it required all of its students to do an extracurricular. Aerin was interested in the martial arts, and thus, she became a very good martial artist thanks to the school's help.
One day, her mom didn't come home after work like usual. She was a secretary at a doctor's office and her work usually allowed her to come home just before Aerin came home from school. On this particular day, Aerin came home to an empty house. Without any way to get in, Aerin just saw outside of the door, waiting for her mother. After an hour, her mom still not home, she went over to a neighbor's house and asked them to call her mom for her. Her mom didn't pick up the phone, so they called her dad. He came home immediately and was furious when he found out Aerin was left outside for an hour without any adult around. When her mom finally came home, it was nearly midnight and Aerin was already in bed, though she woke up when she heard the ruckus downstairs. She snuck down to the kitchen only to see that her mother was drunk and her father was fuming. They were screaming and throwing things at each other, and neither of them noticed Aerin. She continued to hide and watch the whole scene and that's when she heard her dad scream, "I want a divorce!" Aerin understood exactly what that meant, and her heart started pounding and she started to freak out, alerting her parents that she was eavesdropping. When her dad saw her, he immediately ran towards her and comforted her, but her mom only stood there with a blank expression, pouring herself another cup of alcohol. Her father took her to the emergency room, only to find out that Aerin has a panic disorder and is prone to panic attacks.
After that day, her father moved out, taking everything with him. Everything except Aerin. Her mom quit her job and became an alcoholic. They moved out of their luxurious house and lived in a tiny apartment, just the two of them. Aerin had to quit her fancy school and go the local middle school. She became introverted, rarely ever speaking anymore. After realizing that her parents never loved each other and that they had been lying to her face her whole life, she never trusted them, or anyone, really, again. She became cold and icy to anyone who tried to get close to her. She never told anyone why she had to quit her fancy school and never spoke about her parents.
Her whole personality changed, and it was all because of her parents. She hated her mother. And she hated her father even more for leaving her.
  • her eyes
  • being quiet and silent
  • being left alone
  • fighting
  • knowing more than others
  • learning new facts and things
  • books, especially (don't tell anyone this) romance books
  • people watching
  • coffee (it's kind of her replacement for alcohol)
  • her mother and father
  • talking
  • smiling and laughing
  • alcohol
  • her past
  • nosy people
  • asking for help
  • liars and untrustworthy people
  • people who are smarter than her
  • letting her guard down
  • reading interesting books
  • learning
  • observing people and obtaining new information about them
  • martial arts
  • listening to other people talk
  • her right hand will tap her thigh repeatedly when she's nervous
  • she uses her eyes to get what she wants
  • when she's angry, her teeth will clench and her eyes narrow
  • she never asks for help, no matter how much she may need it
pet peeves; 
  • people who ask too many questions
  • when people snap their fingers at her
  • when people claim they're smarter than her
  • people who show off too often
  • she has a panic disorder, and even though she is prone to having panic attacks, they are rare for her
  • she secretly hides romance books under the covers of her textbooks, so no one will know
  • her favorite color is blue
what is love.
love interest; Park Chanyeol
current relation; she hates him but he still likes her
how you act towards him; Aerin is cold and uninterested towards him. She is mean to him and tries to avoid him the best she can. She ignores him whenever he tries to talk to her, but only because she thinks him and all of his friends are untrustworthy. Once she realizes that he can be trusted, she is less icy towards him, but still doesn't talk to him.
how he wins your heart; Aerin is touched that he's still persistent in getting to know her, and even though she's mean to him and rude to him, he never gives up. Everyone in her life has left her and given up on her, and she's glad that Chanyeol's not like any of those people. Also the fact that he stayed with her and knew how to calm her down after her panic attack convinced that her that he was the right one.
suggested scenes;
with love interest: 
  • she has a panic attack and he calms her down by talking about nothing and everything. He just starts to say anything, about him, his childhood, funny stories, he says anything just to calm her down.
  • she desperately needs help with something, but refuses to ask for it. He insists on helping her and she declines his offer but he does it anyway, and she's secretly happy that he decided to help instead of leaving her alone like everyone else would've
  • he finds her secret stash of romance novels
  • she is observing him to gain more information about him but he mistakes it as her checking him out

with love rival:

  • he lies to her about something and she finds out
  • they go on a walk but it's an awkward and silent one. He asks her a bunch of questions but she either just mumbles something in reply or not even reply at all
  • he buys her a cup of coffee to surprise her
love riva; Choi Junhong {Zelo}
current relationship; enemies at first, slowly become friends later on
how you act towards him; Immediately, something about him is off to Aerin and she deems him untrustworthy. She keeps a watchful eye on him and is always wary towards him. She slowly warms up to him when she realizes that her first impression of him was wrong.
how he reacts when you're stolen away; He is devastated and heart broken. He is angry at everyone around him, at Chanyeol, and even at himself.  But then he realizes that he was the one that made the mistakes and that Chanyeol deserves her more. He still tries to stay friends with her though. 


  why should i pick you? »    ---------- I think you should pick me because my character isn't just the typical y and ice princess. There's a reason as to why she's like that and why she has issues. I also think it'd be fun to read about someone who is so drastically different from their love interest (if you are going with the typical Chanyeol personality with him being happy and stuff like that) and how their relationship progresses. But other than that, I hope you consider my character to be in your story. Good luck with the story and with choosing applicants!


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