〈 T H E ᐧ M A N A G E R ' S ᐧ O F F I C E 〉⋮ second interview



〈 second interview



To the applicants of 7/11 branch store #152,


Regarding your employment, our managing team has decided to offer a second questionaire in order to better get to know our prospective coworkers and formulate a greater understanding of how our team will shape up in the future. Also, Kris wants hot coworkers shut up no one listens to you Joonmyeon.


The manager's office


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username : k-rst-n

character name : Zhao Jia Li

love interest : Yifan, Chanyeol, Baekhyun

shift desired : graveyard

position desired : cashier


01. implications of eyebrows. : Kyungsoo's eyebrows are nice. Kris', well... Kris' are a nice for shaving. You know, if I ever need to get back at him for something, or if he makes me do something I don't want to again. Kris' eyebrows just look awkward on him, so I'd be happy to do him a favor and help him get rid of the problem. Kyungsoo's, on the other hand, his are nice and fit him perfectly fine.

02. the nursing home : Do I really need to listen to him, too? Isn't he just a co manager? I mean, if Kris is going to be the main co manager and I already have to listen to him and do what he says, does Joonmyeon really have any power over me? But I guess I'd do it. If it's something I want to do. And as long as I get paid for doing whatever it is he wants me to do.

03. steaming up the room : Yes. There is no doubt about it. Bring on the boys. I mean, as long as they're nice looking, of course.

04. mathematical skills :1 + 1 equals I don't really care because math just isn't my thing. And it's not like I really need to know how to add 1 and 1 if the cash register does all my math for me. (It's 2, okay? I actually do know basic math questions.)

05. there's no 'i' in team : I probably wouldn't get along with any one that's in a higher position than me. Like the co-managers. I am not used to being bossed around, and I'd probably just end up snapping at them if they told me to do something. As for who I'd get along with, It'd probably be Yixing. He seems cool. Plus he knows everything about everyone. His gossip is the best, so I've heard, and sharing stories with him would be fun.

06. invasion of the fans : I'm sorry, Luhan. I would choose the ramen wall. I am not about to go through a hoard of fangirls just to save him. I could get hurt or something. Besides, I need ramen. I don't actually need Luhan. (But if the ramen wall is already well stocked and the crowd of fangirls isn't that bad, I might consider helping him out. Maybe. Probably not. But I'd think about it for a few seconds longer.)


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