» 〔 bae suzy's letter 〕





hello breakdown roleplay.


Do not open this thing. It's filled with nonsense. So when I say do not, I really meant do not. If you open this, can I um, murder you or something? Cause I don't want you to open this. Okay sorry, I don't make sense at all. I never make sense. I'm just this awkward and weird girl, that likes looking at people from afar. Okay no. I like spamming the timeline with stupid nonsensical s. Well, I love this roleplay. This roleplay's drama-free. And I love it here. I wish this continues forever. And I really do wish that more people come join our roleplay and all.

Thanks to those people, that's already in the roleplay. You guys are the best. Never ever leave the roleplay, okay? Try not to leave the roleplay. Cause everyone'll be sad, if you leave. Well, I would never leave this roleplay, I guess. Unless I'm too busy with everything, and I can't handle it anymore, and that my internet's banned for me, than, I might leave this roleplay. But other than those, I would never leave this roleplay.

I know I'm moody, emotional and all. But oh wells, different people, has got different personalities. Sadly, mine's moody/bipolar and weird/awkward and the rests. And I do not watch , at all okay. /stares at Taemin, Lime, Daehyun and Janey.

I'm really happy that I joined this roleplay and all. This roleplay, makes me feel at home. And now, this is my most favorite roleplay. That's why, you can see me early in the morning, on the timeline, till night time, because I love this roleplay. But then, if there's school, I'll be back around 3pm, and then I'll be on the timeline till night. So um yeah. I'll always be the timeline. And I hate shopping and outdoor activities. So yeah, I'll always be online.

I'm sorry if sometimes, I miss out your tweet and all, it wasn't on purpose, I swear. It's probably because I'm busy or the timeline's too fast. So don't worry. I'll reply to you in an hour, at max.

Hmm. Okay I've got no idea, on what to say now. Oh wait. To the newcomers of this roleplay, hello there! I'm Miss A's Bae Suzy. And I do not bite, I just swallow whole. I'm real friendly, real awkward, and finally real weird. So um yeah. You can find me being y most of the times. But yeah. ~ Would you be my new friend? /smiles brightly and throws hearts at you. Oh and do ship #DAMNZY, and also um.. #BYUNGZY.

Um, so here's another confession. But this time, it'll be shorter. Lee Byunghun, are you reading this. Lol, wait maybe you're not. Who would want to read the stupid slore's letter? No one would. Hm. But oh wells. Lee Byunghun, I love you. Lol, you've heard this for like I don't know on how many times. But yeah, I just want to let you know that I love you. Forever and ever. I would never dislike you, I would never hate you. It's okay that you don't love or even like me. I'm okay with it. Haha. I just want you to know, that I love you, Lee Byunghun. /smiles bitterly.

Okay I think that's all, I don't know, on what to say anymore. I love everyone in this roleplay, be it those that I talked to, haven't talked to, and all. Oho.

Do remember to talk to me. o/

Bae Slushee






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DorkyJewels #1
i know this is kinda late. but..
/throws you heartseu (ノ>▽<。)ノ ♥
keep that smile on, sushi! ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v

♡ limeu.
irreversible #2
don't delete this again, suze. c':

-- yoyo.