First GwenBLOG Cont...: Stories, Links and Bullies

So It is done. I have posted the story. ^^ It is titled Something to Cherish. 

In hopes of reaching alot of people, we also created a Live journal account...which I am in charge of. I am also in charge of our AFF updates...holy crap. I am a slave! I have been typing and retyping things all day, intros, author notes, blogs! She is no help either!! She is so lazy she left her intro on LJ on a Cliffhanger. Oh god. 

I am used to this though, and don't expect you to believe me. No one believes me when I say I am bullied. I cry and laugh all at the same time sometime ^^ 

She is great though, and out story will hopefully do well. 

I will thank you guys in advance as I know you will go and read our story. You will also comment on it, maybe tell your friends? ^^ I am so pitiful, being bullied, this is the least you could do?? *.* I even had to make a poster for it~~ 

I shall promise you guys though, if you go read I shall keep her from bullying you guys with cliffhangers and withholding chapters....she would too x.x 

Here is the link>>>>>>> Something to Cherish 

(oh, i just figured out that you can name something and then link it....i thought....never mind. Blonde moment~)




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