a poem about rain....

The rain has began, it has captured me and pulled me into its embrace. Slowly but surely pushing me toward the hateful tornado that holds no mercy. But once again I am lead toward nothingness, for the tornado wants nothing to do with me.I have thrown my secrets against the wall in a fierce battle over life and death. I have led many astray and killed not only them but myself. What is the rain without water, what is a human with out its companions. 

I'm not crazy I promise I'm not, but sure this battle within myself, which you the reader are reading will not turn out well. Must I fight off the hatred from my heart. Or dip the shallow self, myself, into the shallow pits of the pool. I don't know how to swim, but can they. This depression never turns out well someone always ends up with scars.

If youre reading, pray for me. I don't care e tough to pray for myself. I never cared for myself , so why does everyone else matter to me? Why can't I shut down my heart.

The rain came again he looked at me through my glass window and he sighed the wind knocking and shaking the window. His eyes sorrowfully looking at me. He too is tired of our silly game



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