solstice — ( Xu Jia Li )



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 Xu Jia Li 



username : k-rst-n
activiness : 8



character's name : Xu Jia Li
nicknames : Jia; shortnened form of her name, her parents and close friends call her this.

Panda; she gets really bad eye bags if she doesn't get enough sleep, and her best friend always calls her this.

Little Li; her older sister's name is Mei Li, and so since she's the youngest one and her name also ends in 'Li', Mei Li called her Little Li. She hates this nickname, though. Mei Li uses it to .

1Hyun; she causes so much trouble that one day, one of her friends called her 1Hyun as in one part of hyuna & Hyunseung because they have a song called Troublemaker. Her other half is Krystal, and together, they're called 2Hyun.

date of birth : November 29, 1992
age : 20
ethnicity : Chinese
birthplace : Beijing, China
hometown : Beijing, China
languages : Chinese; fluent

Korean; moderate (she can hold a basic conversation, but she's still learning it)



ulzzang : Chen Nuan Yang

image || image || image || image || image || gallery

images : Yiyi

image || image || image || gallery

style : High heels are her life. All the shoes she owns are pretty much heels, except for the occasional flats and tennis shoes. She likes a lot of bright colors. Her closet is as if a rainbow puked all over her clothes, but in a good way of course. She likes to wear a lot of accessories, especially daring and edgy ones. She also likes a lot of bows and headbands. And she always has her favorite bright lipstick with her. When it comes to fashion, she likes to be the one that people go to for advice.
height : 168cm
weight : 47kg
extras : Both of her ears are pierced. She has a small scar on a cheek from falling off her bike when she was little. 



personality : Jia Li is a pretty easy going person. She loves to meet interesting people and is always on some kind of adventure. She doesn't care for much and is always finding a way to have a little bit of fun, even if it does get her in trouble. She doesn't have second thoughts about breaking some rules for her benefit. Though most of the time she doesn't even realize she's breaking a rule. She's a very relaxed and laid back person. She hates people who are too strict and never have fun.

There's a reason why one of her nicknames is '1Hyun'. She's a complete troublemaker. She causes trouble everywhere she goes. “Rules are meant to be broken” is what she always says. She may look innocent on the outside, but under all that cuteness is a trouble making rebel. She causes problems for everyone, even if she doesn't mean too. She loves to explore, especially in places she shouldn't be. Jia Li is naturally curious and can be quite a nosy person, though she doesn't mean to. She has a bad habit of wanting to know everything that's going on. She tends to pull people into her little adventures, especially Krystal, and together, the two of them are called '2Hyun', completing the troublemaker roles.  

Jia Li is very competitive. Everything she does, she'll make it into a competition or contest. And like she says, "Competitions are meant to be won. By me, of course." She'll take a simple thing as a small race and turn it into a big contest. She will literally do anything to win, and cheating is not beneath her (but only if it's a small bet between her and friends. She won't cheat if it's something serious). This can be a good thing, since the idol industry is pretty competitive, and you need to do your best at all times to get to the top. But this is also a bad thing, as sometimes, she tends to go a bit overboard. She hates losing anything, and can sometimes get a bit dramatic about it. Competitions between people makes her work harder. Especially if someone says she can't do something. She'll be determined to prove them wrong, and when she does, it's just so satisfactory.  

Being smart is not her field. There's a stereotype that all Asians are good at math, but Jia Li is here to prove that stereotype wrong, one math problem at a time. She's lucky she wasn't last in her class, but that's only because she barely scraped by. She even she makes fun of herself for being dumb. She can be heard and seen saying and doing the most stupidest things sometimes. And she'll get the most easy questions wrong. For example, she was once asked what 3 x 1 was as a joke and she confidently shouted out, "I know this, it's 4!" Her problem is that she doesn't think before speaking, but even if she did think, she'd probably still think 3 x 1 is 4. Her family has always been extremely smart, so she sticks out like a sore thumb and is like the black sheep of the family.  

Painting is her thing, it's her escape. She could sit down and paint for hours and hours and she'd be perfectly content. She may have very well been the dumbest in math class, but she was the top of her art class. She loves to paint, and at one point, she even considered a career as an artist. Though that never happened, she still continues to express herself through her art. Jia Li often times gets lost in her own paintings, and forget about just how long she's been sitting there doing it. Art is her escape from the real world and she won't give it up for anything.  

Like how painting is her escape from the world, writing raps and choreographing is her way of expressing herself. She loves how easy it is for words to come flowing out of in a jumbled mess of rhymes and rhythms and then somehow transform into an amazing piece of rap. She loves how her body moves when trying to come up with dance moves. She likes how calming and freeing it for her. She thinks it's pretty cool that a bunch of out of sync, unorganized, separate dance moves can all come together to make a wonderful piece of art. Just like how painting is her escape, so is writing and dancing. But even though she loves to rap and dance, she likes to do it on her own will. If she's being forced to practice, she won't enjoy it anymore.  

Jia Li is known as the girl who can't be serious for long. Even though it's true most of the time, there are actually times where she knows to shut up and stop kidding around because serious business is going on. Those are the times where you'll see a complete switch in her. Instead of that happy go lucky girl who's always joking around, she'll be dead silent and be formal and respectful. When the moment is very important, you'll see this switch happen. She doesn't like it whenever she has to be in her serious mode, and she basically has to force herself to go into it, but she knows that if it's a serious matter, she shouldn't joke around. She's not all that irresponsible.    

background : Jia Li was born in Beijing, China to a lawyer and a (at the time) secretary. Her mother quit her job to stay home and take care of her and her older sister (by four years), Mei Li, and it's not like they needed the extra money since her father was a lawyer after all.

Growing up, Jia Li stuck out like a sore thumb in her family. While her father and sister were extremely gifted academically, Jia Li was lucky if she passed her classes. Her mother was understanding and gave her constructive criticism and helped her in any way possible (like tutors and extra schooling), but her father was just plain mean about. He always told her she needed to be better and that she needed to be more like Mei Li. She hated being compared to her older sister, and wanted to be known as her own person. That's part of the reason why she became so rebellious against rules and causes so much trouble today.

Her and her sister, even though they had such diverse personalities, got along great. They complimented each other. Jia Li helped her older sister open up more and be more of a fun person, while Mie Li helped her learn how to be serious when it was needed.

Her mother supported her in everything she did, whether it be art, dance, music, whatever it was, her mom was 100% there for her. Her dad, on the other hand, was a different story. He wanted her to get a respectable job like he did or her sister. He did not want his youngest daughter to have anything to do with show business. She rebelled against him and never gave up.

On a vacation to Korea while Jia Li was 15, she heard about an audition for SM. She knew her father would never allow her to participate, but her mother gave Jia Li her permission. At first, she didn't even make it through the first round. She wasn't experienced enough and her talents still had a lot of improvements to be made. But given her competitive nature, this little setback did not deter her from her dream. It actually only made her work even harder on improving. Two years later, it was just her luck that there was an open audition for SM. After improving for the past two years, she tried out for the second time. The second time she tried out, she passed with flying colors and was accepted as a trainee. 

Her dad was furious that she would go behind his back and do this, but her mom cooled him down and convinced him to let her be a trainee and after much convincing, he reluctantly agreed. Since the family didn't live in Korea, they moved back, but Jia Li had to stay behind to train.

  • interesting people
  • winning contests/bets/competitions
  • art
  • music, especially rap and hip hop
  • lame and corny jokes
  • dark chocolate
  • the guitar
  • sleeping
  • guys that can sing
  • the color red

dislikes :

  • strict and uptight people
  • rules
  • losing anything
  • being in second place, she thinks it's almost as worse as losing
  • math
  • being forced to practice
  • being serious
  • elevators
  • being woken up when she's barely gotten any sleep


  • painting
  • fashion
  • choregrpahing dances
  • writing raps


  • she'll start ranting in Chinese when she's upset or mad
  • if she doesn't know a certain word in Korean, she'll automatically say it in Chinese, hoping someone would understand her
  • she can't stand still, and thus starts dancing or moving around randomly a lot
  • she has a bad habit of snooping into other people's business


  • her idol is Hyuna, she thinks she's a really good dancer and is amazed at how confident Hyuna is
  • her favorite color is red
  • she is scared of the dark and small places and rooms, which is why elevators freak her out
  • she is also afraid of the dark, thus causing her to always sleep with a night light
  • she hats horror movies
  • she wants to learn how to play the guitar but is too busy to learn
  • she refers to the scar on her cheek as her 'battle scar'
  • she gets realy dark eye bags whenever she doesn't get enough sleep, and even with a ton of makeup to cover it up, sometimes they're still noticeable
  • she can't drink coffee because she can't sleep when she does
  • she is left handed
  • she is addicted to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and she must have it every morning



family members :

father || Xu Hu Long || 56 || lawyer || alive || Their relationship is kind of strained, ever since she went behind his back and tried out for SM. He loves her, but it's hard for him to accept the fact that Jia Li would rather focus on something that was (to him) as trivial as music than her studies. Jia Li and her father rarely show their affection for each other. || stubborn, disagreeable, outspoken, formal
mother || Xu Feng Ni || 53 || housewife || alive || Feng Ni is a very talkative person, and she is always bragging about her two daughters. She is very proud of them and is also very supportive. Jia Li is very fond of her mother and thanks her for giving her the permision to audition and for pushing her towards her dreams. || chatty, supportive, encouraging, loving
sister || Xu Mei Li || 24 || doctor || alive || Mei Li is an extremely busy person, so she rarely has time to see or talk to Jia Li. But they always make time to call each other at least twice a month. Even if Mie Li is the complete opposite of Jia Li, they compliment each other, even if she does nag Jia Li a ton. || serious, busy, ambitious, conservative

family background : Growing up, her father was never around, but that was the norm with working men these day. Jia Li understood why and wasn't resentful of him for that. What she was resentful for, was that he always compared her to her older sister, Mei Li. Mei Li was incredibly intelligent and was always dreaming to become a doctor. Jia Li, on the other hand, was not that academically gifted, and dreamed about occupations that wouldn't require her to be that smart, like an artist or an idol. Her father, of course did not approve, and this caused a rift in the family.

Her mom supported everything Jia Li wanted to do. When she wanted to be an artist, her mother gifted her with art lessons and helped her pursue that dream. When she wanted to be an idol and work in the entertainment business, she was allowed to enroll in dance lessons. Her dad was far less supportive. He put her down evertime she told him her dream was to dance or sing. He always told her she needed to do better and that dreams like the ones she had were not acceptable. She always rebelled against him, and that's the only reason how she got to where she is now. If she had listened to him and complied with her dad, she would've never realized her dream.

The Xu family has always been wealthy. With her dad being a lawyer and her sister a doctor, they always had plenty of money to spare. They live a pretty modest lifestyle though. They don't throw their money around in other people's faces and they don't go around buying every pretty little thing they see. They get what they need and the rest of the money is tucked away, and only used for emergencies or for the occasional vacation and things of the like. Her mom was always trying to put the thought that they never needed anything else but family into their heads, and she did a pretty good job of it, as Jia Li and Mei Li grew up not needing much more than their parents and each other.


Park Chanyeol || 20 || member of EXO-K || humorous, cheerful, hyper, affectionate

Choi Sooyoung || 22 || member of SNSD || crazy, fun-loving, childish, friendly

Amber Liu || 20 || member of f(x) || energetic, trustworthy, easy-going, adventurous

Lin Yu Jie (female OC) || 19 || student studying art || artistic, shy, quiet, optimistic

best friends

Krystal Jung || 18 || member of f(x) || carefree, rebellious, confident, daring

Zhang Wei (male OC) || 21 || student studying abroad || smart, funny, hard working, charming

rival (optional) :

Jessica  || 23 || member of SNSD || cold, sharp-witted, bold, staright forward || Jessica thinks Jia Li is a bad influence on her sister, Krystal, even though that's totally not the case. Every time Jia Li and Krystal get in trouble doing something they probably shouldn't have, Jessica always blames her for getting Krystal in trouble, even if if was both of their faults. Jessica can't seem to understand that Krystal is very much like Jia Li in the way that she's daring and adventurous and likes to break rules.



years of training : 3 years
training days : Being a trainee is not easy, and whoever says so is lying. Jia Li is living proof of just how torturous the trainee period is. Sure, there were times where Jia Li had a ton of fun and met really cool people, but there were also times where she thought being a trainee was hell. She often though of quitting, but she never got to it, and she is thankful she didn't.

Training 24/7 was exhausting for Jia Li; physically and mentally. She barely ever got any sleep, and she hated it. It was also very emotionally draining, since she went from seeing her family every day to never seeing them. She missed her family, since they went back to Beijing after their vacation ended. There were times after countless hours of practicing, she'd go to her dorm and sit there thinking about her family and how much she missed them. There were also times where her friends had to convince her that she did have what it takes to debut and to not quit since it'll be worth it in the end. She's glad that she had her friends with her, because she knew that if they weren't there, she would've very well quit. Phone calls with her mom and sister also helped (her dad rarely called). Knowing that they supported her kept her strong.

All she can remember from being a trainee was practicing, studying, and sweating. There were times where she was allowed to go out and have fun, but those times were rare and far in between. She also remembers always getting scolded for one reason or another, though those reasons were quite stupid (in her opinion).

Being a foreigner was also hard. There weren't that many foreign trainees, and she was often left out of fun activities because she was Chinese. Not being able to speak fluent Korean was also a big obstacle she had to get over. Because of the language barrier, there were many misunderstandings and communication problems.
stage name : N/A

( taken by --rach ) main dancer, lead vocalist.
(x) lead dancer, rapper, sub-vocalist.
( ) main vocalist, dancer.
( ) vocalist, lead rapper.
( ) lead vocalist.
(0) main rapper, vocalist.

persona : The Artistic Troublemaker
fanclub name : Rebels
fanclub color : deep red #cd0202
korean/chinese : Chinese

power : fire


love interest : Chen (Jongdae)
backup love interest : Baekhyun

personality : Jia Li is in love with guys that can sing, and Chen knows it. He uses it to his advantage and loves to watch her get all flustered and embarrassed when he sings to her. When you first meet him, he's really quiet and shy, but once he opens up to you, he's extremely funny and is nothing like the first impression he gives. He is a bit more reserved though, and isn't quite as loud or boisterous as Jia Li, which makes them different from each other. But they compliment each other also, and together, they're perfect for each other. He's an extremely smart, way too smart for his own good. he often also makes fun of Jia Li for how dumb she can be sometimes. He often gets dragged into one of Jia Li's pranks and can somehow get caught up into her plans. He looks like someone that isn't much fun to be around, but it's quite the opposite. 

love rival : Luhan



song suggestions : songs on album: Wonder Girls - Like This; f(x) - Hot Summer; f(x) - La Cha Ta

debut song: f(x) - Nu Abo

solo dance song: Hyuna - Bubble Pop
scene requests : An SMTOWN party, or concert. A scene where Jia Li and Krystal go around causing trouble, like pulling pranks, making Jessica mad, things like that. A collaboration between EXO and Solstice. EXO pulling a hidden camera on the girls. A funny dance battle between Jia Li and Kai (or any other dancer in SM). A scene where Zhang Wei comes to visit her while on a break from school. Oh, and since she's still learning Korean and isn't completely fluent, maybe include a scene where there's a language barrier and a funny misunderstanding occurs?
comments/questions : I'm not very good at picking songs either, sorry! Also, I hope everything is alright, if there's anything wrong, do tell me, please! But other than that, good luck choosing applicants!


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