Day And Night



Song Eunjo


Hello Hello

AFF Username: Forever_Inspirit

What should I call you: Tiffany 

Activeness: 1-10- 8-10. Depending on school days. 

I Want Nobody But You

Name: Song Eunjo

Nickname(s): JOJO- She got it because she loves the American singer, JOJO and her name ends with JO. 

Age: 19

Birthday: March/29/1993;03/29/93

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 165 Weight: 48 kg

Mirror Mirror

Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye

Pics: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Backup Ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui

Pics: 1 2 3 4

Clothing Style: Doesn't really have a style. Just wears what she thinks fits the occasion.

(Casual and Airport are pretty much the same thing for her) 

Casual: 1 2 3 4 5

Formal: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Dorm: 1 2 3 

Practice: 1 2 3 4

Airport: 1 2 3 4 5

More on PolyVore. InspiritLife

Other: Earrings, Two total. 



Eunjo is very bright and loves meeting new people. She likes playing pranks and loves jokes. Though she looks very mature, calm and collected. That's all lies. The only way to calm her down is give her food. She will not share, because she's a pig.(; She doesn't care what people say about her, however she is still a girl and has her moments of insecurity. She talks out all her problems, when she feels that she can trust the person and knows he/she will listen. 

She focuses on her skills and looks very charasmatic. She's scary and cold when she's mad. but gets over it quickly. Determined to become the best, she practices until she drops. She really doesn't care about appearance unless she has to go somewhere special. No matter what, this girl will accomplish anything that she wants to. It doesn't matter how difficult it is or how seemingly impossible, this bright, daring and stubborn girl will do it all. 


~Food. I know this is cliche, but who doesn't like food. 

~Sports. She will play in any sport, even when she knows she might get injured. 

~Dark Colors. Preferably a dark purple. 

~Turtles, Mountain Dew, Chocolate. 

~Colorful hair. She likes dying her hair different colors. She tries to every now and then, but too much is bad. 1 2 3 

~Skinship. She grew up enjoying hugging and holding hands with people. 



~Snakes. They creep her out. 

~Clowns. She thinks they're scary and will kill her. Paranoid after watching the movie 'it' 

~Bullies. They're mean. 

~Fake Friends. Being a girl that trusts very easily, she has been hurt by many people. 

~Being blamed for things she didn't even do. 


Hobbies: 4-7

~Dance, She uses most of her time perfecting her dance

~Rap, She gets frustrated when she can't get her rap right and will continue practicing until she does. 

~Jogging, She will go out to jog to clear her mind. 

~Drawing, although not an artist, she will draw to her heart's content. 

~Video Games. She doesn't play them often, but whenever she's free she will. 

Habits: 4-7

~Hiccups. She hiccups when she's lying. 

~ and biting lips when nervous. 

~Making a cute pouty face, not on purpose, when things don't go her way. 

~Hugging people when she's excited. Girls or Guys. 


~She likes purple and owns a lot of purple stuff. 

~She looks up to Infinite sunbaes. As a fan girl, she wants to marry all of them, but as a normal girl...she still has those feelings.Just kidding. She's faithful to Key. 

~She isn't the best at cooking but will try her best to cook for everyone. If it's really good. She will constantly make it until everyone gets sick and leaves her alone eating. (Even though her father is an amazing chef. She didn't get his genes.) 

~She will jump on anybody she hasn't seen in a while and squeeze the living soul out of them. 

~Acts like a little girl when she's around but when she steps on stage. BAM 10 years just pass by and she becomes a charasmatic young woman. 

~The last thing she wants to do before dying? Eat. Die with a full stomach(: 

~Plays Piano, Guitar and Drums

Bad Girl Good Girl


Song Eunjo lived a normal life as an only child. She would help her father at their restaurant after school, because...well. He didn't allow her to go out a lot. She had good grades and won many awards. For both, athletic and academic achievements. She joined many teams in school. She is quite popular in school. Not Queenka status, but still okay. She lived with her father all her life, so leaving him was rough. He made her take music lessons because her mother and him met by their music. 

She took many music lessons, explaining how she knows how to play the piano, drums and guitar. She took ballet and vocal lessns too. She also took English lessons. So she's bilingual. She has never taken a hip hop dance or rap lesson in her life, because her father was against it. She learned on her own and convinced her father to let her audition. After constant begging and starving, he finally gave in. She worked hard and soon left to be a trainee. She still visits him and vice versa. Though, he doesn't like the fact she wants to become and idol. He loves his daughter enough to support her dreams. 

Family: max 1 idol family member

Song Changjo| 50 | dad | alive | Chef and Owner of  Song's Kitchen| Strict, but he's funny | Good relationship, though there are fights.| Single father. Eunjo's mother died a year after she were born and he took care of her. 

Song/Park Eunji| 47| mom| dead| Eunjo doesn't really know her. She just knew her mother died in a car accident. 

Best Friend: can be idol; max 2

Kim Kbum | 21 | SHINee| Funny and diva-like | Just friends, for now(; He visits often, but is very busy most of the times with SHINee. 

Friends: can be idol; max 4

name | age | job | personality | how they interact with you 

Everyone around you hated you because of your relationship with Key. 

Rival: idol; max 1

Nicole Jung| 21 | KARA | Nice, but y to Eunjo | Key's ex. He broke up with her a few nights before he met Eunjo. She calls EunJo out whenever they're on the same show and has a dance/rap battle with her. Behind scenes, she acts like she's about to pounce at EunJo any moment. Whenever they see each other, Nicole says really mean stuff about EunJo. 

Why Did I Fall in Love With You?

Love Interest: Kim Kibum 

Age: 21 

Group: SHINee

Relationship: Crush ;3 

How did you two meet: Eunjo was jogging one of her trainee nights, because she was feeling bothered. She was just told she might become a member of the new girl group and couldn't sleep. She ran into Kibum who was taking a stroll, thinking about his ex. She listened to him, and he did the same. They became great friends after that one night. 

How you interact: Key visits her when she get out of practice. He knows people hate her for 'seducing' him, so he tries to cheer her up even more. He never thought their friendship would ever turn into love. The friendly chats became more flirty. They were still iffy about each other though. 

Love Interest: Kim Kibum 

Back-up Love interest: Lee Taemin

Age: 21 

Group: SHINee

Relationship: Crush 

How did you two meet: How did you two meet: Eunjo was dancing by herself one night and was caught by Taemin. He said he wouldn't tell anyone she was here, if she let him dance with her. She gladly did and that turned into a regular thing every day. Night.

How you interact: They met up more, for reasons other than dancing and started liking each other. No one wanted to say anything, in fear that if they did and the other didn't feel the same, things would be awkward. 


I Will Show You

Stage Name: JOJO 

Persona: Chubby Bunny-She tries to shove everything into when she eats and ends up looking like a chubby bunny ^_^ And her smile reminds people of a bunny. 

Personal Fanclub Name: Smilers

Personal Fanclub Color:         

Position: Main Rapper, Dancer

Backup Position: Lead Dancer Rapper 

Singing Links: 1 2 (Mixture of Dance and Singing) 3 (Duet with Key/Taemin?) 

Dancing Links: 1 2 3 

Rapping Links: 1 2 3

How did you get in: Auditioned 3 times. First two, she posted videos and never got called back. The third time, she stormed into the company and told the president to watch the video. She was immediately accepted and became a trainee when she was 16. 

Trainee Life: Training wan't hard since she had experience in vocals, rap and dance And the phsyical training was a piece of cake because she enjoyed it. She got along with everyone until they found out she was hanging out with Kibum. They got jealous and started rumors.That was the worst part of training along with the limited food.  

Goodbye Baby

Suggestions: Meaning songs? FIRE-2NE1. I've been using a lot of  2NE1 things. ^___^ Scenes? Dance Battle between...Day & Night and...KARA? 

Comments: If chosen, I would like to be a part of Night ^__^ But, I might not be chosen so..meh. LOL. Hope you have fun writing it and can't wait for the updates(: 

Password: Midnight Angels? I think it would fit because a time that connects day and night is midnight. ^_^ Sorry if it sounds stupid. One of my fav gifs. <3(: 



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