Speeches :P

     I am taking a speech class online. I thought this is going to be a great and fun alternative to the normal classroom setting. However, it is not as great and fun as I thought it would be. I figured that I would be giving a speech in front of a group about five-to-ten people of my choice; turns out I have to have a group of 12 or more people above the age of 21. I was hoping that I could just give my speech in front of my friends.

     I do not like public speaking. I am a shy and soft spoken person. Luckily, the speech we have been assigned is an Introduction Speech about ourselves and we do not have to have an audience for this one. This speech is mainly about letting my fellow classmates know who I am and to see if we'll have any technical difficutlies in uploading our speeches. This is probably the hardest speech for me to write, because I have no idea what to say about myself. 

     Luckily, the speech only has to be two-to-three minutes long, but when speaking in front of strangers it feels as if those two-to-three minutes do not come fast enough. Does anyone else not like giving speeches either? 

     Sorry, just felt like ranting about speech class. 


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