what the hell is "karma" for?!

I mean like... what to do I do with it?... do I need it for some reason, or is it just there?! XD I don't get it... and how do I even get more karma points. sometimes there are just more and yea... I saw a lot of posts about it, so is it any important?

Lol, I really have no clue XD


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21dec95 #1
ok done sorry
21dec95 #2
threeee more
21dec95 #3
four more to
21dec95 #4
five more to
21dec95 #5
six more to
21dec95 #6
peoples wall
21dec95 #7
or blogs to
21dec95 #8
your story or
21dec95 #9
and promote
21dec95 #10
with karma
21dec95 #11
you can upvote
well its useful now.. to advertise ur story :)
i actually need it more now :)
I've always thought the same. it's pretty useless but I'm trying to gain more because I want to change my username (I think that's only thing I'll ever need the karma points for)
I think exactly the same. They just come and go and vice versa. O_O