My Music Shuffle Questionnaire


Put your itunes/ipod on shuffle. For each question, press the next button and the title of the song is your answer. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS. Put any comments in (parentheses) after the song name



1.) Describe yourself:  Mina - Super Junior
(That seroiusly came on, no lie! I was shocked, lol)


2.) What do people feel when they’re around you?  Are you crazy? – Song Ji Eun
(I wouldn't be surprised)


3.) Describe your current relationship?  Purple line - TVXQ


4.) Where would you like to be right now? Twinkle star – Kanon Wakeshima


 5.) How do you feel about love?  Breathe – Miss A  
(So true!)


6.) What is your life like? Without you (Explorer Mix) - 2PM


7.) What would you wish for if you only had one wish? Mad World – Gary Jules
(Now that doesn’t make me sound crazy at all!)


8.) Say something wise? Orenji no Taiyou – Gackt


9.) How would you describe yourself? Deedlits song - Record of the Lodoss War


10.) What do you look for in a guy?  Chinatown Hustler – WET soundtrack
(I totally need to erase my ex’s music off my itunes)


11.) How do you feel today? A woman’s Honor – High School of the Dead OST


12.) What’s your life’s purpose? Sleep - Basilisk

13.) What is your motto? Still of the night - Whitesnake


14.) What do your friends think of you? Traveling Elf – Lodoss War


15.) What do your parents think of you?  The last pain – High School of the dead OST - Maon Kurosaki   
(lol, that’s probably true too)                                    


16.) What do you think about very often? Yayaya – T-ara


17.) What do you think of your best friend?  Echo – SNSD
(That’s appropriate since my ex WAS my best friend and he cheated on me!)


18.) What do you think of the person you like? Tear You Apart – She Wants Revenge


19.) What is your life story? Suna no oshiro (Castle of Sand) – Kanon Wakakeshima


20.) What do you want to be when you grow up? Shut up – U-Kiss
(Nappeun yeoja? Oh No!)


21.) What will you dance to at your wedding? Kuroi Torikago – Kanon Wakeshima   
(Now that's just scary. Does this mean I will be in a black cage forever?)                                           


22.) What will play at your funeral? I go Crazy because of you – T-ara


23.) Biggest fear? Heroine Syndrome – Kanon Wakeshima  
(I seriously didn't know what this song was about, so I went over to youtube and searched for the English translation. I was blown away, it is so accurate!)                                                         


24.) Biggest secret? Still Doll – Kanon Wakeshima

(Oh and just to say there is something like fate, Run Devil Run came on right after this! And then Bo peep Bo peep came on! lol)

I was laughing the whole time I was doing this list.

Creditis to: SweetSyndrome for this one!



  The Rules Are As Follows

 1. You shall put your music player on shuffle.

 2. You shall press forward for each question.

 3. You shall use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.

 5. You shall give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

(I used my Windows Media Player for this one!)


 How are you feeling today?  Are you crazy – Song Ji Eun (Totally apropos)

 Will you get far in life? Baby Love – F.T. Island

How do your friends see you?  Better Life – Keith Urban

 What is your best friend's theme song?  Turn it Up – T.O.P (lol, this was a riot!)

 What is the story of your life?  Boo – IU (lol)

 What is high school like?  Black Flower – CN Blue (My favorite song at the moment)

 How can you get ahead in life? 10 out of 10 – 2PM (I so rolled my eyes, lol)

What is the best thing about your friends?  Mina (BONAMANA) – Super Junior

 What is in store for this weekend?  Ma Boo – T-ara
(Now that’s a bitter one to swallow.)

 How is your life going?  Black Oblivion - Tony Iommi  (lol)

 What song will they play at your funeral?  Y.O.U – SHINee (That’s irony I tell you *shakes head*)

 What do your friends really think of you? Ai Ai Gasa – Tegomasu  (Hah really? So Cool!)

 Do people secretly lust after you? By Your Side – Sade (Awwww)

 How can I make myself happy?  친구의 고백 (Friend's Confession) - 2AM
(Ha Ha Ha, yeah, like that’s gonna happen! I don’t have any friends now)

 What should you do with your life? (Seriously?!) Ayy Girl – JYJ
(lol, so that means I should get with Jae joong, right?)

 Will you ever have children?  Who’s Fooling Who – Tony Iommi
(Now THAT is funny!)


Took from nanie92 who took it from kitten83 who took it from innermagui and took it from nikkisolove…  All great people on this site!


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