Horror Room [Part 1]


Puff… uhm so our intramurals was already finished and on the next day which is actually today, the college department started their intramurals… damn the day  was so dull and boring… it doesn’t feels like they were having intramurals… this year !


The intramurals when I was in first year was the best! Having lots of activities to do and stuffs… all the year levels were mixed together so we get to bond with our schoolmates and stuffs… but since the dean was replaced this year, they decided that it would be the fight against year levels and no more collaborations T.T this is my last year in high school and I get the feeling that I’ll get this year’s MOST BORING INTRAMS (BOTH HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE) stuck up in my mind… having no beautiful exciting memory to cherish…


I guess were getting off topic in here huh, but tsuk… going back to the present… we just arrived at our quarters after taking a nap at one of the rooms… some of our fellow classmates were busy talking at the booths (yep, college students always makes one annually during such events) there were food booths and play booths and accessory booths (they actually built lesser booths these year compare to the booths in the past intramurals) and then there was this booth that caught my attention! It’s a HORROR BOOTH… they were mumbling about this one last year and I didn’t get to enter one so I’m totally depressed and now is my chance ^^  seeing that 2 of my friends are excited as well, we then went on our way to the said location.


Upon arriving, we saw lots of people waiting for their turn it was certainly scary for some are staying near the stairs and if something bad would happen… it may result into a STAMPEDE!! They were called by batch and so uhh the three of us waited despite the hot atmosphere, the sweats and the long wait… we were given number 23… the shouts, the cries and the frightened faces excites us more (I am actually scared of ghosts but I desperately wanna try this ^^)


puff puff our turn came and phew they said that we aren’t allowed since the minimum number of people per batch is four and no less… luckily a friend of us volunteered to come… omo the room was DEFINITELY HOT AS IN SUPAH HOT!!! There were lots of shadows moving… I kept my firm hold at my bestie who’s in front of me and I buried my face on her back while shutting my eye… I could feel someone touching me and I flinched!


“oooooohhhh… awooo” sounds can be heard and I was like “wow sound effects” (im trying to hide my frightened state) okay so were bound to move around a circle on the little room! On the first turn, I couldn’t clearly see the ghost but I swear I could say they were wearing scary masks!! I am scared but guess what? The whole three rounds of turning you could clearly hear us laughing like a madman instead of screaming!!! In every turn I keep on asking “how many turns should we do?” then I was about to shout when a ghost approached me but I was pissed when he ruined my hair!!! So I was screaming in frustration… my classmate was also yelling stuffs like “please don’t touch me! You are passing your sweat unto me” I could say that the three of us was laughing while the one on my back was screaming too loud!!!


I never thought that a horror room can be this funny! Okay so we are practically enjoying it… on our third turn I could say that the ghosts and the timer girl was pissed for we weren’t scared and then we heard someone shout “TIMEOUT” instead of the usual banging on the door and the pushing, it was the watch girl who forced us to go out and I tell you guys… lots of the people were shocked at our laughing faces…


That was a funny booth!!! Not a scary one!!!


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yeah a total failure
Hehehe ^^ A "failed" horro booth ^^ Sometimes, scary things are more humorous, than anything else, especially when people try too hard... XD
What exactly are these intramurals? Are they a display? It sounds like fun! :)