Me an boys are the most complicated thing in the world I swear.

So if anyone knows me, they know I am hopeless with the male gender. I am really hopless. I told my LJ people about the marine man from work. Didnt I? I did yeah I know I did. and he was a no. Like i did NOT take him up on his offer because talking to him on the phone just didnt feel right. It wasnt No. No date for us. So yeah I am like hopless and now I have a new friend who I should not like but I DO LIKE HIM. And nothing will happen between us because he has a girlfriend. But UGH!!!!


Guys he has glasses that hang off his nose and a gorgeous smile. Like that dazzling Kim Jonghyun smile when he is just being dumb for no reason and sees no problem with his actions? Yeah that smile. 

His hair is long with blue streaks. He is vietnamese. Guys he is like...we bonded in accounting class the second day and we exchanged numbers and ended up texting all night until 2:30 am. He is so dorky and a homebody who plays videogames all day and he dresses like he just grabbed something off his dresser but I dont care because of how damn CUTE he is. 


I am so damn hopless and he tells me "If my girlfriend and I ever break up you owe me three dates". 

What? Wat?! WOT?! Why would you say that to me dude? Like really?!!! /dies internally

They met at dragoncon. OMG HOW NERDY CAN HE GET?!

Then he has this habit of playing in his long hair. He just runs his fingers through it and it falls right in his eyes and UGH!!!!!!! Make him stop!!!!

Then he texts me in class when I am sitting next to him. It is distracting. And he just looks and me and smiles after I tell him how distracting it is. 


He is the cutest thing in the world. 

And here I am.


On the side.

Waving like hey.

He told me I could be his new bestfriend because he didnt have one anymore.

I wanted to hug him and damn strangle him with love.

And because I am crushing, on a taken man (yes man he is 23 so he isnt like a child or anything) I am really wanting him to be like happy and stay in love and offer any advice about how to make her happy and stuff even tho I am silently wishing it was me.

But its not me. So yeah, I am just full of emotions for this guy.

Ok thats enough. 

I'll go back to my room and crush quietly to myself while I fulfill my new duties as new bestfriend. 


Wish me luck guise


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