Hey there. :)

We can blog on AFF too?! How wonderful! 

I really don't know how to blog, actually, but I'll do anything to help procrastinate on this english paper, so how about I give it a shot? 


No, I'm only kidding. I'll have to go back to my english paper soon, but I still really wanted to try blogging this out. 


I'm struggling on this paper becasue I keep thinking of chapter 12. I have this thing with even numbers and I seriously want to get chapter 12 out so that my story isn't sitting on an odd number of chapters. However, I'm faced with a dilemma becasue this paper is important and I need to go to bed soon. Sigh. The problems I have. 


Oh well, I should just be thankful that I have readers. :) 


Seriously, without readers, I would have scrapped this story already. 

Also, I've got a fan who's annoyed with Sol Mi. -Fist pump- I was slightly frightened by the fact that I was not portratying her personality well within' the story, but today I got proof that I'm doing it right. :) So yeah, that made my night. 

XD Funny, you never really expect someone to be glad that their 'child' is annoying. Aahaha. This night has been grand.


Thanks everyone for your support! <3


Anyways, back to my english paper, I suppose. 


:) Goodnight. 


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