Heat Hog



Today I was sitting at my table peacefully eating my breakfast. You all know that the weather is crazy cold (well, on the east coast at least) and so of course, we had the heat on. So, I was wondering, why in the world is it so cold if we have the heat on? When I got up from my seat to look at the thermostat, I saw this, the reason why it was so cold.





My dog...had his body...pressed up against the heating vent  -___-  I just stared at him for a couple of minutes, and then started to laugh :D It was so cute, I just had to get a picture of it ^-^  




And here he is...sleeping next to the heating vent. People don't believe me when I say that my dog is weird or crazy...But now I have proof!! ㅋㅋㅋIsn't he cute? 


I guess the downside to all of this cuteness is that I never got to eat my breakfast while being warm ㅠ_ㅠ My dog stayed next to the heating vent the whole time the heat was running and then only went away when the heat turned off. He would come back to the vent and lay next to it when the heat turns back on :D 


It wasn't just this morning that he did this, he ALWAYS does this! He'll lay next to the heating vent when the heat comes on and hog all of the heat -_-"  But I forgive him, because he's cute :33



Hehe and if you were wondering, my dog's name is Russell :) He's a Dachshund (weenie dog)^^


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Lol aww :) my dog does that too. I have a small electric heater in my room and she'll lay right in front of it and I'm like "no wonder my room is so freaking cold"
Raina-ssi #2
omg saeng, he's so cu~~~~te :33 and so smart. LOLOLOLOL. awwww(: brb squealing my brains out.