What I do instead of staying fit

1. Eating

2. Eating junk food

3. Crying over my computer at Korean people I will never be able to meet

4. Watching pilates/work-out videos while eating

5. Wondering what if my s were planets and that every time I did a jumping jack, there would be a earthquake there and then I would've, murdered millions of people

6. Watching hypnotizing gifs roll/fall/play over and over again

7. Going on tumblr food blogs

8. Trying to do some spiritual thing that supposedly calms your spirits and burns fat devils

9. Crying into my pillow about the state of my fitness

10. Eating


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LOL this is sooooo me!! (Except for the thing... but I keep killing my poor sims every day so I guess that makes us even).
But I'm trying to change!!!
LOL at every sentence. Cracking up on the floor now, because I fell off my chair reading your post.
LOL>< This crack me up and no. 5 certainly had me rolling on the floor... hehe...
Lmfao you're too cute
nawwww charmaine... im sorry but number 5 is so hilarious! XD