I hate our school directress!!!

Obviously the title says it all, I HATE OUR SCHOOL'S DIRECTRESS!!! she wants us to transfer to her other school!! which is far away from my school(BTW, my school is near my house^-^) She's really irritating! even my classmates thinks she's CRAZY!!!, She puts up a secondary level in our school, even if she can't give what a secondary level needs! I mean NO:

Science Laboratory

Computer Room


She thinks that us High school don't need those kinds of things!.... anyway...our school directress called me 2 hours ago saying us high school should transfer to her other school, and I say NO WAY!!! I hate the other school, I hate their...


Students(well, except for Carmen, Torres and Narboada... they are great friends!!)

Staffs and last but not the least!...





MADAM ROSE!!!(school directress!).


I'm sorry about my temper....It's just that I can't take it no more!...

Would you give me any advice?or options of what I can do? I REALLY DON'T WANT to transfer to her school.....


BTW, I will use these colors when I'm angry...(Fire brick and Pinkish Violet)


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