Day 4 - Favourite Song of the Warrior Album


Day 4 – Favourite Song on the ‘Warrior’ Album

I have two – of which neither are ‘Warrior’ – favourites from the album that I love; both for very different reasons.

The first is ‘Secret Love’. This song is really good. From the lyrics to the music – everything is really well done. When I first heard the song just after I got the album onto my iPod, there were a few thoughts running through my mind; however, the one that stood out the most was ‘this song is really, really good. I hope they end up promoting this – it’ll be awesome live.

The second is ‘Unbreakable’. I love the message in the song. When I read the translation of the lyrics, it was very much a reminiscence of their trainee days. It describes challenges and conflicts and resolutions and defiance. Also, the song itself – not considering the meaning of the lyrics is awesome. The sound is great and their vocals sound awesome. It’s a nice surprise to find a song like this has such a simple but powerful message within the lyrics.

Although, I will say that ‘Warrior’ is still an awesome song that helped me get into BAP and led to me discovering these two songs.

I didn't want to say too much here because I was mainly talking about the lyrics of the songs...Day 5...



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