Read this please :'c

Hey guys so guess what? I might not be updating for a while now.


Because I was playing basketball and some  dude from the other team decided to push me -o-


So I kinda slid on my left side and since I was wearing a tank top my shouler, elbow and HANDS got cut and bruised and .
The reason why I emphasised the hands part is because it hurts to type this.

And I hope youre getting the hint..

It hurts too much to type because my hand is like all battered up and

And after falling the ref yelled "Thats a foul" LIKE NO . omg

AND Im on my period so I like hate everything right now and I cant type thhat well so..

I might update in a few days or so, my whole left side just kinda like.. REALLY hurts so im gonna stop typing and go to sleep.

Its like 5 Pm~ NAPP TIEM

Bye guys<3
And thanks for reading my really ty rant ok? ok Ily<3



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