Heart Surgery

Girl:  I'm having a heart surgery today.

Boy:  I know.

Girl:  I love you.

Boy:  I love you more.


After the surgery, when the girl woke up, only her father is next to her bed.


Girl:  Where is he?

Father:  You don't know who gave you the heart?

Girl:  What? (crying)









































































Father: JOKE! He only went to the bathroom =P


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! What would you do if you were the girl? LOLZ!


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hae_ki #1
ahahahahahaha... got this joke in a text message lol!

ako plan karon sa mga anime ako pangtan.awn kai i.dl nlng nako at least dili au ko madistract sa anime og movies... sa fb ra... hahahahaha
naa ko n.dl nga BL daw, actually from a BL game xa... Togainu no chi
nya sort of supernatural The girl who leapt through time - mruag mangita pd ko sa movie ani kai murag continuation ang movie sa anime daw..

ang Blood C kai Clamp ang ng.make so makaremind sa XXXholic ang long limbs. naa koi nakit.an nga comment nga lahi ra xa sa duha ka Blood chuvah. first episode pa mn sad ako nakit.an... wala pa mn na.uncover iya identity - mura xa Priestess/temple girl nga and sideline sa ila family kai m.fight ug demons/monsters.. nya naa pud xa supernatural thing. wala ko kahibaw if vampire/part vampire xa dri kai tao mn jd xa.... taas ako reply...lol
Omg +.+ I feel angst but then... EVIL DAD!
LOL WTF XD The girl's father seems like my dad
jungminian0403 #4
<b>ah ha ah ha ha ha ha!</b>
2min88 #5
That father is sooo evil XD
I would only look at him as if he was crazy and totally ignore him for the rest of the day -,-
He just went to the bathroom...!!!!!!!!
i don't know what i would do if i was the girl!!!!^^
BooYaa #7
that was evil of you!
to scare me first and then yell out, JOKE!
hm... well, what i would do is, i'd probably be slightly angry at my dad but i would end up laughing! :D
1- He's like my father was three years ago. (before he changed)
2- If I was that girl, I would forget that I just had surgery after that "joke" bit and probably smack my father senseless.
3- I really wouldn't handle that situation well, but as a little story/joke/thing... it was really funny!! (WRONG! But FUNNY! ^-^)
Kind-Hearted_Devil #9
Well..I would faint again xD
Emerald #10
woah~! there! that completely freaked me out
thats just ed up lol
I would probably laugh after bawling my eyes out. XD